From Beating to Dreaming: The Inspiring Journey of Professional Fighter Lautaro Jesús Ayala

Not only was he “made by beating”, as the popular phrase goes, but he built a great dream in distant lands to return part of his roots to his beloved Tartagal.

Lautaro Jesús Ayala is today, at 33 years old, a trainer and professional judo and mixed martial arts fighter, but perhaps, due to life circumstances that led his family to emigrate to Jujuy, the future marked an unthinkable path for him.

“It all started because I was being bullied a lot at school in the San Martín neighborhood of Jujuy. Maybe because I was the “new kid,” I started getting into trouble, so I decided to change my way of being and defending myself,” he recalled.

“I was beaten by groups of six or eight kids outside school and that led me to develop a need to fight, which ended up becoming a lifestyle and a job,” Ayala said.

In that sense, he recalled that “when I was 15 years old I trained as a judoka in San Salvador and began to participate in tournaments. My sensei discovered me in an “anything goes” match (today MMA). At that time I liked to compete and I began to to perfect myself in judo and mixed martial arts.

But over time, the limited opportunities forced him to emigrate to Mexico, where the MMA leagues have a high level of competition.

“He has already had several high-level fights with renowned Mexican promotions such as Budo Sento Championship, MKC (Martial Kombat Championship) and Predator Championship, as well as in Lux Fight League, one of the fastest and fastest growing leagues in Latin America. It is the largest league that exports fighters to world leagues, such as the UFC, Predator or PFL,” he acknowledged.

The last fight was this year with a victory against Cristian Lunquisga.

But, paradoxically, and after a visit to Tartagal at the beginning of the year, where his wife and his little 3-year-old daughter live, he had to recover after suffering from dengue.

Today he returned to the “Pura Sangre” gym, in the Mexican city of Guadalajara, capital of the department of Jalisco, where he teaches MMA and judo, waiting, as a free agent, for a new professional fight.

But it goes for everything. “For this 2024 I am scheduled to reach one of the world leagues such as the UFC, PFL, or elite leagues and in that way achieve a world title,” he highlighted.

And he stressed that “I have been fulfilling my dreams in martial arts since I started at the age of 15. I wanted to become a black belt in judo and I achieved it. And now as a fighter I know that I am fulfilling my dream. With this I support my family and live peacefully. Dreams are made to be lived from the very first moment.”

“Before, he worked a lot and had little time to train, but in Mexico I am making my dream come true of being able to train more and fight for a living. Now I also want to be a professional boxer,” he highlighted.

He also studies acupuncture and sports massage therapy, to always be linked to sport and thinking about the “rest of the warrior”, he will seek to have his home and his own gym in Tartagal, the land where he was born and opened to the world.

2024-06-28 05:25:51
#thoroughbred #Salta #seeks #top #MMA


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