From Prestigious Baseball Player to Girls’ Team Coach: The Unusual Journey of Katsuya Matsuzaki

Once the captain of a prestigious baseball team, and later as a coach at a strong school. Katsuya Matsuzaki, who played an active role at the forefront of high school baseball in Tohoku, was appointed this April as the head coach of the “girls'” baseball team established at Seiko Gakuin in Fukushima. What made this 37-year-old young coach make such an unusual decision?

Katsuya Matsuzaki’s body was trembling.

A shiver runs down his spine, and his face is probably flushing. Up until now, he might have been able to follow his feelings, but now that his position has changed, he wonders if it’s okay to just let his feelings out as they are.

As a result, Matsuzaki raised his voice.

Matsuzaki, who had been the manager and coach of Morioka University High School, a strong team that had participated in the Koshien tournament 16 times until March of this year, for 15 years, became the manager of the Seikou Gakuin girls’ baseball team, which was formed in April.

“Let’s stop getting angry unnecessarily”

As this was the first time in his coaching career that he was teaching girls, Matsuzaki was still feeling his way around, but the one thing he kept in mind was, “I should just refrain from getting angry for no reason.”

“At Morioka University High School, I would get angry almost every day, but since I came here, I don’t get angry even a thousandth of the time.”

Matsuzaki laughed self-deprecatingly as he said this, but it turns out he had a good reason why he scolded his players with such anger.

“He showed his weaknesses as a baseball player. When he’s not doing well, he won’t greet people or pick up the ball. I yelled at him, saying, ‘More than being a baseball player, it’s shameful behavior as a human being,'” he said. “Usually, even in situations where I need to get angry, I try to speak as calmly as possible, but at that time, I was a little. I thought, ‘I have to be forceful,'”

The players were so shocked by the harsh scolding that they cowered on the spot, and remained silent on the bus ride back from the training ground. Matsuzaki, who was at the wheel, no longer felt any anger, and seeing the players like that, he began to reflect on himself.

I guess I was wrong after all.

“Tension is important in baseball, but I thought it was wrong to make the players feel intimidated and tense. That would only instill fear in them. I thought about that and reflected on my actions a lot.”

The next day, Matsuzaki had shed his anger and was trying to coach his players, trying as much as possible to avoid reminding them of what had happened the day before.

[Next page]Seiko Gakuin’s “passionate captain” 20 years ago

2024-06-27 13:33:26
#dont #angry #thousandth #time #man #passionate #coach #prestigious #baseball #team #manager #womens #baseball #team #37yearold #coach #surprised #gap #men #women #High #school #baseball #Number #Web


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