From the Stadium to Employment: A Unique Job Fair Event


Romane Legros

Published on June 1, 2024 at 5:46 p.m. See my news Follow La Marne

It was at the Alice Milliat gymnasium in Chelles, in Seine-et-Marne, that the “From the stadium to employment” event bringing together 90 people was organized by France Travail on Thursday May 30, 2024.

An anonymous interview

For the third time in a row, France Travail is organizing this event which highlights the personal and collective skills of job seekers through badminton. Thus, a total of ten teams were formed with, in each of them, nine job seekers and a recruiter. Thus, the presence of the recruiter, who is anonymous, does not influence the attitude of job seekers who might have been cautious. As a result, recruiters mingle with job seekers and discreetly observe everyone’s behavior during the games. They pay attention to their sense of relationships, mutual assistance, determination, strength.

A mindset rather than qualifications

The sports tournament begins at 10 a.m. during which several teams compete in mini-games. In other words, the main objective of this morning is for everyone’s personality to come out. “Recruiters are looking, above all, for a state of mind,” says Antoine Volclair, director of the France Travail agency in Chelles.

In this way, the director of the agency notes that “skills can be learned on the job”, while a state of mind cannot be acquired.

In total, there are ten companies present, such as Burger King, Quick, RATP, SNCF, Manpower, but also institutions, such as the town hall of Chelles, which offer several jobs available for all types of profiles. These jobs are broad and do not require any particular qualifications. It was therefore around 1:30 p.m., after a lunch offered by the Île-de-France Badminton Federation, that anonymity was lifted.

In a warm and welcoming atmosphere, each group takes turns and tries to guess who the recruiter is. Subsequently, the recruiters present the different positions to be filled to the 90 job seekers. In total, 80 positions are available.

Videos: currently on Actu

A job dating like no other

Job dating begins directly after the recruiters’ anonymity is lifted. So, it is while jogging and after having already gotten to know each other in the morning that the interview takes place in a more conventional way. Recruiters note after the interviews that certain applicants would not have been accepted with just their CV but that this day also taught them to look beyond the latter. However, the final objective remains “to find a job that is compatible with the applicants”, but that those who do not find one have a good day.

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2024-06-01 15:49:25
#sporting #event #Chelles #find #job


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