Fueling my Performance: A Journey of Unity and Achievement

© Bertrand Béchard /

“On and off the field, I build my performance through the energy of the collective.”

The Olympic Games and Me

My image of the Olympics

Steeve Guenot Olympic wrestling champion in Beijing in 2008. Just after his brother in bronze on the same day. What particularly moves me is the completely crazy end of the fight, right up to the last second, the explosion of joy from Steeve, who first falls into the arms of his trainers then ends up in a backflip on the mat and the strong emotion transmitted by one of the journalists in the comments who cannot stop crying in front of this historic performance.

My goals in 2024

My dream would be to qualify in a very special context. Indeed, after a year and three months of absence following a serious knee injury, representing my country, telling my story and expressing myself on the field in front of my loved ones and the French public would be an immense pride.

To know me better

What I like to do

  • contemporary dance and Afrodance
  • I am absolutely in love with the rhythm, energy and physical performance given off by the choreography and the dancers.

My favorite athletes

For me Anjou is

  • la performance collective
  • kindness
  • the game of puck

Follow me on my networks

2024-06-19 07:00:00
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