Germany – Hungary: Captain İlkay

İlkay Gündoğan, appreciated around the world, has always had a hard time in his home country. After the 2-0 win against Hungary, the Germans are beginning to understand his class.

June 20, 2024, 3:37 am

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At the press conference after the match against Hungary, İlkay Gündoğan stressed that he finally feels at home in the German national team, thanks to the new trust from the coaching staff and his teammates. Despite his successful career at ManCity and Barcelona, ​​he has had little luck in the national team so far. But in the 2-0 win against Hungary, he was the decisive player, with two goals he helped lead Germany into the round of 16. His performance was praised by coach Nagelsmann and Kroos, who stressed that Gündoğan deserves more trust and recognition.


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Finally accepted in Germany: İlkay Gündogan after his goal against Hungary © Federico Gambarini/​dpa

Perhaps İlkay Gündoğan was thinking his own thoughts when a reporter reminded him at the press conference in the Stuttgart catacombs that Germany had “not always treated him with care”. And whether he felt he had arrived now that that had changed.

He could have answered that his quality had been overlooked in Germany. Or that the national team had been disorganized and played in recent years, which is why his qualities had not come to the fore. Of course he didn’t, Gündoğan is too polite. He referred to the “new trust from the coaching team and my teammates” and the fact of the poor results in recent years.


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