Giant silversides: the attraction of all fishermen

take out a silverside that exceeds one kilo of weight in any area excites anyone canyonophile who can’t stop thinking about how to attract them. They innovate in tackle, baits and seek to find the secret to get those matungos interested in their hook. Although luck has a lot to do with it, the work of the fisherman is the basis of success in a complicated undertaking. A faithful reflection of this are the most important silverside contests, events in which the names of fans who seem to have a clear idea of ​​how to look for the giants are usually repeated.

Some opt for very long branches in rigging bottom that ensure that the fish eats firmly and does not feel any resistance. Others believe in bait size and tempting them on a generous hook. Most play with different varieties of baits. From mojarrones Instead of the classic silver ones, temptations that are striking for many, such as chard stalks or similar, the fisherman arguing that, upon reaching a certain weight, the silversides become vegetarians. Colorants play predominant roles and attempts with sea bait are not far behind, such as anchovy, magrú, prawn or shrimp, classic in salt water but not so much in inland areas such as lagoons, rivers, canals and streams.

In 2024, when the lagoons recovered some flow, they have been recorded unforgettable captures. Outside the Buenos Aires territory, one that caused people to talk was that of Jonatan Cuello, a fisherman from Puntano who approached the La Turca lagoon in Villa Mercedes, San Luis and captured a 2,295 kg specimen, a true record-breaking matungo. On the other hand, no large extractions were heard from San Juan, a province that has very deep dams that are synonymous with matungos such as Cuesta del Viento or Punta Negra, sites that have yielded large pieces but to which we were not accustomed, with specimens weighing more than 3 kilos in other seasons.

Within Buenos Aires, we have shared many catches of generous size. One of the places that we have mentioned the most and where canyon lovers get a big bang for the show is The Salada Grande of Madariaga, an area that knew how to give an unforgettable specimen in 2022. 66 cm and 2,655 kg! A superb silverside that, according to the people of the club and its dealer at that time, Nicolas Popovich, was the record so far. During this season he continued to deliver many matungos, although they do not exceed that heavy weight.

Lclassic agunas such as Sauce Grande, Cochicó, Del Monte, Cuero de Zorro, Hinojo Grande and La Barrancosaamong others, were some of those that stood out with good matungos that ranged between 1 and 1.5 kg, but the most notable thing happened in the last hour, when a specimen that weighed 2 kg and was caught from the coast in laguna Blanca Chica in Olavarría, a mirror that had not been performing, but surprised with that giant. After the photos he returned to the water, so the exact weight was not known, since the fishermen did not have scales. A similar copy had already come out last year. Some kilo also appeared among many boys in the dique Stone Passanother area that knew how to produce great pieces in other times and today they come out very thin.

Low temperatures make the silverside boy and give more chances to drink carnadas to the giants who keep the fishermen awake. You have to overcome the cold, but the chance of making an unforgettable catch increases in these coming months. To prepare baits, tackle and hope that luck is with us.

2024-06-22 13:00:00
#Giant #silversides #attraction #fishermen


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