Girondins de Bordeaux Face Time Constraint Ahead of DNCG Hearing

Time is once again against the Girondins. The Bordeaux club will appear before the DNCG on Thursday morning, and it is exposed to a sanction identical to that of 2022 when it was demoted to National after being relegated, on the pitch, to L2. Discussions with a partner capable of supporting the club economically were not finalized in time.

However, this was the meaning of the approach of the Girondins who had requested a postponement of their hearing initially scheduled for June 19. Depending on the sources, between €30 million and €43 million would be missing to be on the starting line of the L2 next August. In the event of demotion, the Bordeaux club should appeal to gain time, with the hope of finally succeeding in completing a process initiated last September.

2024-06-26 22:52:03
#Bordeaux #precautionary #demotion #DNCG


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