Gravina ‘I’m leaving? He doesn’t decide politics’. And he shields Spalletti – Football

(by correspondent Vincenzo Piegari) Politics on the one hand and football on the other. On the day after the Italian football event, the FIGC president Gabriele Gravina reiterates from Germany, before returning home, the autonomy of the system he manages with respect to political positions that aim to influence choices in the world of football . “I accept constructive criticism, but politics cannot ask for resignation. I don’t have the culture of running away or running away from great responsibilities that concern me – said the federal number one – political responsibilities must be distinguished from technical ones, otherwise we run the risk of attack the technical part to end up in the political one. Let’s try to divide the two positions and anchor ourselves in the sense of responsibility”.

Gravina also reopens the discussion on the system by rekindling the fuse of controversy with the vice president of the Chamber Giorgio Mulè: “And while we are all trying to relaunch Italian football as a system, then I read that suddenly at night an amendment is approved by a Forza Italia deputy that claims the absolute autonomy of a component with respect to the entire other system with an autonomous organization. So – indicates the number 1 of the FIGC – we always reason as a system and not only in identifying individual responsibilities of a subject when those responsibilities ultimately belong to the system, in the inability of the individual components to be a system and to think of a development that is only molecular” After having defended his position at the head of the Football Federation, Gravina shields Luciano Spalletti and his path at the helm of the national football team. “The project is three years – he underlines – a coach who takes over after 10 games is central, with little possibility of always having the players available, in a panorama that foresees little more than 100 selectable for the national team. Today at an international level the need to reduce the space of the national teams as much as possible emerges, this is the love that we have for the national team. Spalletti has our trust, he must work. In 60 days a new appointment begins, we cannot think that in two months suddenly in Italy the Mbappè, the Ronaldo and the Messi will flourish. We must apply the policy of valorizing talent”.

So the president of the FIGC outlines the path for a change of direction in the valorization of young people: “All our youth teams are qualified for the final phase, we are the only ones in Europe. The U17 won the continental title this year. We cannot think of being able to win the European Championship with guys who have shown great technical qualities and great attachment, but with zero appearances. We will make some reflections that we will bring to the Federal Council and this will be our greatest commitment”. And regarding the criticisms received in the last few hours he adds: “They hurt everyone but you have to have the ability to take inspiration from criticisms in order to improve. It is part of the role. I believe that constructive criticism, legitimized also by well-founded elements, must be taken into consideration, unlike the instrumental ones that go as far as asking for a request for resignation. The idea that someone from the outside can demand resignation does not exist in the idea of ​​federal governance”, he says in response to political requests, but not only. The only body authorized to decide is in fact the Assembly of Delegates: “The deadline – Gravina recalls – is scheduled for March 2025, the elections will take place on the first available date but cannot be done before the closing of the Olympics. That is the only place democratically appointed to choose the governance and will be authorized to make all the project choices. Re-candidate? For me it is premature to talk about it today, I believe it is right to have an open discussion to verify the possibility of whether it is a path that can be continued or should be interrupted”.

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2024-06-30 16:24:55
#Gravina #leaving #doesnt #decide #politics #shields #Spalletti #Football


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