Guillermo Coria Officially Names Argentina’s Tennis Team for Olympic Games in Tokyo

06/25/2024 16:37hs.

A kind of media raid and compromises had to be made Guillermo Coria in Buenos Aires before finally embarking on the three-hour car trip to Rosario, to recharge batteries, necessary because tennis debuts on July 27 in the Olympic Games and Argentina travels with eight players (it could be 9) eager for a podium. The Magician made the team he will carry official in a hotel in downtown Buenos Aires and then participated in an “Olympic” reception in the charming building of the French Embassy. There he spoke with Ole.

First, the team that was already known: Sebastián Baez (18° del ranking), Francisco Cerúndolo (27°), Tomas Etcheverry (31°) y Mariano Navone (32nd) will be the singles. The couple for the doubles will be made up of Andres Molteni (18th on the list of pairs) and Maximo Gonzalez (twenty). Thus, Coria left out Horacio Zeballos, No. 2 in doubles, by a single player, Etcheverry, who at the time of the cut was below Navone in the ranking. Zebolla also paid for his lack of matches in the Davis Cup, for which he resigned his call.

The poster of Argentina and the Games.

Among women, Mercedes Paz will go with Nadia Podoroska (65°) y Lourdes Carlé (71°), hoping that if there are enough casualties he will join Julia Riera (104th) thanks to the bronze he won at the Pan American Games in Chile 2023.

Guillermo Coria answers Olé

The Magician began by talking about why he chose these players and the goal of the podium. “The truth is that it was not easy to have eight players qualified for six places and especially having great players as in the case that Facu Díaz Acosta and Horacio Zeballos have to be left out. The important thing was always the communication with all the players, they always knew from last year what the requirements were, the things that we were going to take into account, and obviously that for those who do not have to be there, that pain of not being able to participate of such an event is understandable, but they also accepted the rules of the game. “I think we have four great singles players and a doubles couple who have been doing very well, both in the Davis Cup and on the circuit, and we are very excited that we can have a great chance of going in search of a medal.”

I think we have four great singles and a doubles couple who have been doing very well.

The question that arose was to know why he left Zeballos down, who had also shown his desire to go to Paris. This is what the captain answered: “The players always knew what the conditions were and unfortunately Horacio could not be in two important Davis Cup series. That’s where Andrés Molteni came in to play with Máximo González. The decision was one hundred percent sporting.” Coria added: “It was discussed from the beginning, and above all it was ratified when Facu Díaz Acosta won the Pan American gold medal, that he automatically had his place if only three Argentines qualified – for ranking-, he was fourth and he also knew from day 1 that if there were four singles players classified, he would be left out. And with so much sadness he accepted it, and it was also a very great sadness that he could not compete due to injury until Roland Garros, which was the last tournament he competed in, and he had to leave before fighting for that possibility that he had left. The only condition that we set was that there were four singles players and two doubles players, so that was the only reality and the only truth, and The important thing is that the players always know from each other what the conditions are like and that we can all look each other in the face and be able to walk calmly.“, without any kind of resentment.”

The only condition we set was that there were four singles players and two doubles players.

Coria added that Zeballos – the usual partner of the Spaniard Marcel Granollers, who will go to the Games – understood the situation and considered the reasons, despite the frustration caused by missing the Olympic event, which will be held from July 27 to July 4. August. At a press conference, she had said: “I made the decision thinking about what was best for the country., it is not easy to dismantle a couple that works. “I kept my word by calling him to Davis’ last series so that the three doubles players are on equal terms.”

He also stated: “We cannot guarantee that Machi and Molteni will bring a medal, but we could not guarantee it with Zeballos and whoever it is his turn either. Zeballos is the best doubles player in the history of Argentina, but one is here to make decisions. I thought Molteni and González were the best couple to wear. I have complete freedom to make decisions, no one suggests anything to me. “You always talk to the players, then it is called and then it is announced to the ITF and the press.”

Regarding playing on clay, the winner of nine singles titles admitted: “Playing on clay is an advantage, because it is a place where we all feel comfortable. Roland Garros in a place where all the players already “They know the surface very well, they feel comfortable and that gives them an added advantage when it comes to competing.”

The second pair of doubles players will be made up of Cerúndolo and Etcheverry, while the mixed doubles will be announced in Paris. The tennis delegation will travel to France on July 21 with captains Coria and Paz; Agustín Calleri, the president of the AAT, and Florencia Labat, the team leader.

2024-06-25 19:37:05
#Guillermo #Coria #Olé #search #medals #Olympic #Games #left #Horacio #Zeballos #Olé


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