“He kicked and spit as he died.” Then they put out a cigarette in his face

They covered him with insults and spit and kicked him, they told him “shut up” while they stabbed him to death in a park in the heart of Pescara. Fifteen, then thirteen, finally two more. Shots in the back, side, right thigh. And when everything was done, out of disgrace they put out a cigarette on his face. The forensic pathologist Cristian D’Ovidio – who will be in charge of the autopsy today – will count 25 stab wounds on the body of Cristopher Thomas Luciani – known to all as Thomas -, the 17-year-old murdered on Sunday afternoon in Pescara and whose body was found only after 9pm, among the undergrowth, immersed in a lake of blood.

Thomas Luciani, the photos with the two sixteen-year-olds shortly before the massacre in the park: the image of the surveillance cameras

Killed for a small and trivial drug-related debt, around 250 euros, claimed by the person who first lured him into the trap at Baden Powell park and stabbed him, according to the prosecution, with the help of an accomplice. Two of them would have exchanged the weapon, a knife not yet found, and launched slashes at the poor 17-year-old: fifteen for the first and ten for the second. Since Monday night the two boys – one the son of a lawyer and the other son of a police station commander – have been in custody on the orders of the L’Aquila Juvenile Prosecutor’s Office led by David Mancini. One was taken to a facility in Rome, the other in L’Aquila. Validation of the arrests is expected within days.

An incomprehensible and inexplicable crime, which surprised due to the unprecedented ferocity with which it was committed by two of the victim’s peers, immediately identified that same evening and taken to the police station for interrogation: which left the investigators of the Juvenile Prosecutor’s Office stunned, led by the chief prosecutor David Mancini, as well as the men of the Volante and the Flying Squad who conducted the investigations from the beginning and reached the decisive turning point. “The lack of empathy and awareness regarding the gravity of the act committed is striking” is the first consideration when faced with the attitude of the two boys. One denied any involvement and said he did not recognize himself in the image recovered from the video surveillance which showed him alongside the victim, at the entrance to Baden Powell park. It was 5pm last Sunday and that same camera, twenty minutes later, will frame the alleged murderer, wearing different clothes, leaving the park with others from the group. The other young man under accusation declared that he did not know the victim and that he had no outstanding accounts for debts or anything else. And he denied having owned a small gun that even his friends said they had seen. There was no trace of Christopher Thomas in those circumstances: the sixteen-year-old never left the park and it was there that he was found lifeless three hours later.

The statements of a super witness, a boy from the group, son of a Carabinieri officer, who reconstructed in detail the dramatic moments of the group’s meeting with the victim up to the tragic epilogue, refuted the two under accusation. «We met at the station at 4.30pm to go to the seaside but also to talk to Cristopher who had a debt of 200 or 300 euros» with the boy who would then stab him to death and who we will call Marco, a fictitious name. «Marco forced Christopher to follow him first to the silos and then to the park». There he would have led him to a sheltered and hidden area and shown the knife to his friends before proceeding.

One of the two suspects already had the knife. And when the investigators asked why one of the two, despite having no credit towards the victim and not even knowing her, took the weapon and also launched blows on Thomas on the ground, the answer was “because they are friends ». The ‘creditor’ was a small-time drug dealer, as was the victim, killed for a debt of 250 euros. The two, again according to the boy’s story, would have told their friends about the stabbings, it is not known whether to brag. The fact is that now the two also risk premeditation: because the knife was already in the backpack and was shown to the other kids already at the station, together with a change of clothes that will be used after the murder. And to this we add the other suspect who was seen with a small gun in his hand and the attempts of one of the two to intimidate the other kids «I was shocked, I wanted to stop them but I didn’t know how to do it – the young man who triggered the alarm – It seemed like they were no longer thinking about it.” And he added: “Despite what happened, we went to the sea to swim.”


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The messenger
2024-06-27 14:07:19
#kicked #spit #died #put #cigarette #face


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