heart and mind for Marco Pantani. Live

Bologna, 30 June 2024 – A second stage in the name of Mark Pantaniwhich started from Cesenatico and headed at full speed towards Bologna amidst wings of ecstatic crowds. An all-Emilian-Romagnola stage, 199.2 km long. In Bologna, the arrival is scheduled for around 5 pm and the finish line is on via Irnerio at the end of a 900-meter straight after a double city ring. The Tour Fan Park is set up there, with attractions, gadgets and champions.

Many fans on the roadside for the second stage of the Tour de France Cesenatico-Bologna

Meanwhile hundreds of people (photo) from early in the morning they crowd the San Luca climb, and the infamous Orfanelle curve in particular: here, on the very tough two kilometers towards the basilica dedicated to the Madonna venerated by the people of Bologna, the race will most likely be decided.


The mayor’s satisfaction (heat aside)

“We are very happy – smiles the mayor of Bologna, Matteo Lepore -, there is great participation and the streets are full of enthusiasts. There is great satisfaction with how we welcomed the Tour. So far so good apart from the heat (ride, ndr) there is a nice atmosphere. Even the climb to San Luca is packed, very good”.

The mayor of Bologna Matteo Lepore pays homage to the Tour


Lasagna and Tour de France

There is also the French student Nicolas among the fans in Piazza VIII Agosto who with friends: brought a lasagna roll to share with passers-by while waiting for the arrival of the second stage. A way to pay homage to the Bolognese culinary tradition on such a special day.

Nicolas, a French student in Bologna, wears ‘his’ tricolour and offers lasagna


Cyclists on the racetrack

Two wheels and even without an engine: a truly unusual step in theImola ‘Enzo e Dino Ferrari’ racetrack where – as expected on the route – the Tour de France cyclists paraded at full speed with a very suggestive view.

The Tour de France passes through the Imola racetrack circuit (Epa photo)


Bologna is approaching

From Dozza and the hills of Imola, the Tour caravan is rapidly approaching Bologna, where thousands of people are braving the heat to be able to cheer on the world’s greatest cyclists. The city – armored by closed roads – eagerly awaits the grand finale of the stage.

Crowd at the curve of the orphan girls, along the climb to San Luca in Bologna


Garzelli: “Complicated ending”

“Nice start, unique – the words of the former cyclist Stefano Garzelli -. It is the first time that the Tour starts from Italy. Second stage starting from Marco Pantani’s home: after some mistakes the Tour paid homage to the Pirate with a very complicated finish with the arrival in Bologna with San Luca twice. Today I think we could theoretically expect the big names for the stage victory. People? He’s responding well, great. As an Italian and a cycling enthusiast I had no doubts.”


The passage to Faenza

The caravan is passing through Feanza, applause and many fans on the roadside


Bologna, Tour fever at the Orfanelle rises

Tour fever is rising at Orfanelle with enthusiasts already crowding the double circuit area on the San Luca hill. Lots of yellow shirts and some banner which pays homage to the unforgotten Marco Pantani


Lots of fans on the streets

Applause from fans, cycling enthusiasts and onlookers on the Romagna roads as the Tour caravan passed by


Caravan expected in Faenza

Caravan expected in Faenza, in Piazza del Popolo stage in yellow. The mayor: “The city has a special relationship with the bicycle”


Bologna, fans queuing to buy gadgets

Even Piazza VIII Agosto in Bologna has been slowly filling up since 10am fans are queuing to the ‘official boutiques’ to buy t-shirts, caps and seat covers. The organization’s deployment of forces is impressive, with the Tour car covering the entire space of the stadium MontagnolaThe arrival of the cyclists of the second stage is expected in the early afternoon.


Palestinian flag in Piazza VIII Agosto in Bologna

For now the organizers have left it there, and it has been standing there since early this morning. Palestinian flag hanging on a stand managed by Arci, in Piazza VIII Agosto, the scene of the arrival of the second stage of the Tour de France. The thought obviously goes to the rain of criticism that for months has been coming at the behavior of Emmanuel Macron, President of the French Republic, regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Behaviors and positions judged “fluctuating” by several analysts. In the afternoon the Arci stand he was joined by a group of Young Palestinians from Bologna who began to waving Palestinian flags from 2pm, in view of the arrival at 4.30pm. Piazza VIII Agosto at 2.30pm is still half full, but they are starting to arrive fans from everywhere. The Colombian contingent was large, as was the Danish one with several flags for the champion Jonas Vingegaard. The yellow Tour water bottles and the polka dot caps for children were selling out in the official stores.

Palestinian flag hanging from a stand in Piazza VII Agosto in Bologna, the scene of the arrival of the second stage of the Tour de France


Tour at the gates of Ravenna

The Tour is now just outside Ravenna


Installations dedicated to the Pirate

The stage also includes a passage in front of the Spazio Pantani museumwho died in 2004, and the artist’s installation was inaugurated Simone Tribuiani: a giant poster of the Pirate pedaling, on the lawn of the municipal stadium where the village is located. A second installation by Tribuiani in the body of water in front of the free beach of Piazza Costa, created with the collaboration of the Cooperativa Stabilimenti Balneari: an enormous floating bicycle made with buoys.


Party at the starting village with Pantani’s parents

The Tour de France pays tribute to Marco Pantani, the great cyclist from Romagna who won the Grande Boucle in 1998, the same year in which he won the Giro d’Italia. He was the last one to do it and his parents, Father Paolo and Mother Tonina this morning they took part in the party at the departure village.


Riviera Romagnola in yellow

Riviera Romagnola all painted in yellow for the tour

Tour de France, the second stage started from Cesenatico


Kilometer zero expected at 12.35

12.35 is the scheduled time for kilometer zero

Second day of the Tour de France, Cesenatico-Bologna stage


Enthusiasm at Casa Pantani

Enthusiasm at Casa Pantani in Cesenatico for a Tour in the name of Pantani


The Orfanelle curve from the stadium

The Orfanelle curve, an uphill chicane that precedes the most difficult section, is already a stadium curve, with fans dedicating ovations to every cyclist who climbs towards the sanctuary and a series of yellow writings have been written on the asphalt that remember Marco Pantani.

Hundreds of people crowd the San Luca hill in Bologna since early morning

2024-06-30 13:41:15
#heart #mind #Marco #Pantani #Live


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