Holger Rune and Boris Becker Address Coaching Rumors Through Social Media

Not too long ago, Holger Rune y Boris Becker They promised to write golden pages together. The union between player and coach did not last long, but they maintained a very good personal relationship that, however, has experienced an atypical chapter through social networks. Becker asked the public if Patrick Mouratoglouthe Dane’s current coach, had stopped working with Holger. Rune’s response was not long in coming and left more than one person surprised: “It’s super strange that you don’t ask me this directly, since we text each other about other things (laughs). The answer to your question is yes, we still work together. Sharing tournaments as planned.”the Dane pointed out, surprised that Boris would throw that question out there.

2024-06-30 17:25:36
#Rune #fight #Becker #Twitter #strange


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