Honoring the Legacy: Clube União Micaelense Announces Patron of 17th International Football Tournament

Clube União Micaelense announced the patron of the tournament that takes place around Easter. A statement on social media reads: “honoring and distinguishing the figures who, through their notable contribution, cemented the construction of Clube União Micaelense, is one of the noblest purposes of organizing our club’s International Football Tournament, which is held annually.
In the 17th edition of this event, to be held during Easter week 2025, Manuel Maria da Costa will receive the highest and most prestigious award given by the Club.
The Patron of the 17th International Football Tournament Azores under 11, was born on 16/06/1920 and died on 18/09/2007 at the age of 87.
He was an athlete, coach and leader of choice at Clube União Micaelense, with our emblem on his chest achieving countless titles and achievements that greatly enrich our achievements.
However, his greatest victory was the enormous love and passion he had for his favorite club. By the baton of the “Master” Prof. Augusto Moura Júnior, highlights the achievement of 4 consecutive championships in the 40s, writing in golden letters another brilliant page in the history of our Club.
He was the Club’s coach on several occasions, with varied achievements for our estate, always being available to help and collaborate in every way with his favorite club.
He also had responsibilities in women’s basketball, where once again, he left an indelible mark of his enormous passion for Clube União Micaelense.
Manuel Maria da Costa was a prominent figure in the Clube União Micaelense, and was undoubtedly a very respected and prestigious person in society on the island of São Miguel. He was a reference banker at Caixa Geral de Depósitos for 36 years, where he left school in this area.
He was popularly known as Mr. Manuel Maria da Caixa Geral, or Mr. Manuel Maria from União Micaelense.
His departure was an inestimable loss of the greatest capital and heritage of União Micaelense – its valuable athletes, coaches and directors.
He left a huge legacy of wisdom and love to the Club. At the request of Clube União Micaelense, he was appointed Member of Merit of the Ponta Delgada Football Association in 2003”.

2024-06-21 21:08:20
#Manuel #Maria #Costa #Patron #International #Football #Tournament


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