Horacio Masino Resigns as President of Las Morochas Neighborhood Entity

The businessman resigned from the position of president of the Las Morochas neighborhood entity for strictly personal reasons.

Horacio Masino had already requested a temporary leave from his post (in fact he underwent cardiac check-ups) and has now submitted his formal resignation to the Argentine club.

Taking over until the month of August – when the Annual Ordinary Assembly will be held – is Vice President Marcelo Velazco.

Nico Romano, “huge”

Olímpico de La Banda won in double overtime by 107 to 101 against Instituto de Córdoba and today will have the chance to force a fifth game in the semifinal (21.10, Chiti-Smith-Zalazar by TyC Sports).

Junín native Nicolás Romano scored 37 points and 10 rebounds (double double), while he was accompanied by 14 points and 10 rebounds from Pato Tabárez, 13 from Alex Negrete, 11 and 6 assists from Penka Aguirre and 10 from Michael Hughes who left the field in the first overtime due to a sprained ankle.

Meanwhile, Boca beat Quimsa again by 84 to 70 and they will decide in a fifth match, this Tuesday in Santiago del Estero.

Series results

Game 1 Quimsa 82 (1) vs. Mouth 74 (0)
Game 2 Quimsa 71 (1) vs Boca 77 (1)
Game 3 Boca 73 (1) vs Quimsa 77 (2)
Game 4 Boca 84 (2) vs Quimsa 70 (2)
Game 5 | Tuesday 2/7 | 8:00 p.m. | City (Santiago del Estero) | TyC Sports.

Game 1 | Institute 89 (1) vs. Olympic 85 (0)
Game 2 | Instituto 82 (2) vs Olimpico 73 (0)
Game 3 | Olimpico 107 (1) vs Instituto 101 (2)
Game 4 | Today 6/30 | 9:00 p.m. | Vicente Rosales (La Banda, Santiago del Estero) | TyC Sports.
Game 5 | Wednesday 3/7 | 10:00 p.m. | Ángel Sandrín (Córdoba) | TyC Sports.

2024-06-30 11:52:00
#Masino #continue #Argentino #Diario #Democracia


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