How Kováč became a man in a hood. Liberec impressed with the new coach’s welcome video

A man in a hood stands on Ještěd and looks down on Liberec from a thousand-meter height with his back to the camera. The sun is setting. The man goes to the car parked under the transmitter. The driver rolls down the window. He is Liberec rapper Paulie Garand. She smacks a mystery man. And he drives him downtown, where he greets music producer Kenny Rough in the parking lot. The mysterious man then wanders through Liberec at night. When it comes to U Nisa stadium. Here he surprises another well-known singer from Liberec, Jakub Děkan, with his friend and actor Ladislav Hample. Then the man in the middle of the field takes off his hood and reveals his identity. He is the new coach Radoslav Kováč.

“Welcome back, captain,” says the clip, referring to the past of Radoslav Kováč, who ten years ago played for Slovan with the captain’s armband.

“I’m going through our town in hoodies, so put them on and you’ll be one of us, I want to know all the faces in Rochlice who want to hear our music,” is the lyrics of the song by Jakub Děkan and the already mentioned artists Garand and Rough LBC, whose the official clip mimics the welcome video. Everyone is united by cheering Slovan.

“I heard LBC for the first time a few months ago I played it for a month straight. Petra can’t even stand that song anymore. Mood, text, beat, everything came together immediately and I knew that if Slovan succeeds in taking over and we decide to change the coach, then this is what we have to do,” explained new owner Ondřej Kania on the X social network.

“I confess that I told Radek this several times when we were negotiating that he should not go elsewhere, but that he should come to us, and I told him that if it worked out and he returned to Liberec, then this is what we have to do. Thanks a lot to everyone involved. It’s better than I expected,” added Kania, who signed a long-term contract with Kováč.

And the clip, like Theo Gebre Selassie’s Fresh Prince welcome video two years ago, is drawing praise. “Goose down to the bone. Wow,” responded, for example, former Slovan player and now football expert Zdeněk Folprecht. “Absolutely great video,” stated the Rokycan soccer account, which two years ago amused the republic with funny comments before a mutual match with Liberec in the domestic cup.

2024-06-05 07:11:32
#Kováč #man #hood #Liberec #impressed #coachs #video


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