Human Company and villages between nature, local communities and people

If we talk about outdoor holidaysthe life of camping it is one of the experiences closest to the absolute outdoors and in theory to the idea of sustainable tourism. But not all companies that offer camping, glamping and tourist villages are aligned with policies to support the environment.
We were at the presentation of the sustainability plan of Human Company, a historic company in hospitality in Italy and active for over forty years in open air tourism. Which has taken the commitment to implement a long-term strategy in favor of the sustainability of its structures, projects and experiences to offer to its customers.

Sustainable tourism: Human Company and villages between nature, local communities and people

His is the first sustainability plan aimed at identifying the best practices to be implemented in the field of environmental protection, respect for people’s well-being and support for the valorization of territorial peculiarities.
The starting point for the development of the plan was the analysis of the tourism context, with benchmarking focused on the evaluation of the initiatives aimed at sustainability of the main competitors from which a general immaturity of this sector from a sustainability point of view emerged.

On the occasion of the presentation of the plan, the Group invites us to reflect on consumers’ perception regarding the sustainability in the world of tourism and on the importance of developing sustainability practices in the sector, highlighting the exclusive data that emerged from survey created by Human Company in collaboration with the BVA Doxa research institute.

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Survey on sustainability in tourism, a real necessity

One of the first elements to emerge from the research conducted is that the attitude of Italian travelers is overall attentive and well oriented towards the topic of sustainability.

Second 8 out of 10 respondents, in fact, believe that the spread of more sustainable and responsible tourism is of very high importance (78%). Concretely, 74% of the sample interviewed declared themselves more sensitive and inclined to adopt sustainable behaviors and practices during their holidays compared to a few years ago.

Sustainable tourism is undoubtedly recognized very high potential, which reflect the three pillars of the Human Company plan: primarily as a contribution to the conservation of the environment (89%) and as support for the development of local communities (88%), but in general also as a tool for promoting people’s well-being (83 %).

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Open air, at the top for sustainability

Regarding destinations, for over half of the respondents the tourism type considered most sustainable is open air (61%). In particular, if we analyze the accommodation facilities, it emerges that the farmhouses (92%), i shelters mountain (90%) ei campsites/camping village (85%) are perceived as the most sustainable, offering the possibility of staying in places in close contact with nature. A good level of sustainability is also attributed to bed & breakfast (81%), hostels (75%) and holiday homes (69%), while a less sustainable footprint is recognized in spa facilities (48%), hotels (36%), resorts (30%) and cruise ships ( 17%).

Even for those who choose a holiday in the city, there is no shortage of options for experiencing sustainable and attentive tourism, as confirmed by almost all of the travelers interviewed (95%). Among the practices considered most effective for this objective are respect for values ​​and territorial excellence (50%), the search for more authentic itineraries and experiences less subject to over tourism (43%) and the choice of low season periods (37%).

Characteristics, drivers and appeal of sustainable structures

Instead, to identify a ranking of overall relevance among the characteristics of a structure tourist, three connoting dimensions were crossed: the traits that allow it to be defined as sustainable, those that influence the choice before the holiday and those that are most attractive during the stay. In this sense, for Italian travellers, the most important aspects of a tourist facility were found to be the use of renewable energy (100%), the valorisation of food and wine products (99%), the correct one collection differentiated of the waste (98%) and the conservation of the natural environment (91%). Then follow some equally relevant characteristics: the savings water (88%), the elimination of plastic (87%), the presence of green areas and cycle-pedestrian paths (84%) and public transport services (74%).

Environmental sustainability and personal well-being at the center

In relation to the sustainable behaviors implemented during one’s holiday, three musts emerge: in first position the recovery of well-being and psychophysical energy (89%) followed by the correct recycling of waste according to the norms locals (88%) and from contact with nature and the outdoors (86%). To these, we add the desire to meet and exchange with women community locals (76%), attention to water and electricity waste (75%), the choice to stay in destinations less mainstream e overcrowded (67%) and the use of sustainable means during their trips such as bicycles, electric vehicles and public transport (60%).

Sustainable outdoor experiences

The starting point for the drafting of the group’s first Sustainability Plan was the identification and valorisation of three fundamental pillars: nature, local communities and people.

Human Company is committed first and foremost to preserving the environmental quality of the places in which it operates, taking care of the harmonious integration with the morphology of the territory and intervening on the sites to redevelop them. Furthermore, it aims to progressively reduce the impacts linked to its activities, through reducing the use of natural resources and making its structures more efficient.

What is also important is the commitment to dialogue and collaborate actively with the actors of the communities in which it operates, integrating with the ecosystems surrounding the structures and creating favorable conditions for local socio-economic development, the valorisation of excellence and the conservation of the food and wine, cultural and landscape heritage.

Finally, there is a strong desire to preserve the characteristics of a family and inclusive working environment, which generates a common sense of belonging and sharing, which supports the psycho-physical well-being and personal and professional development of each person, spreading a culture oriented towards respect for natural and social systems.

Starting from these pillars, the Group’s areas of commitment were then identified, aligned with the Objectives for the Sustainable Development of the 2030 Agenda (sustainable living, responsible lifestyle, responsible supply chain, biodiversity, water management, well-being and inclusion, waste management and fight against climate change) and the objectives that will be implemented during the five-year period 2023-2027 such as, for example , the provision of 100% of the mobile homes in the villages with IOT systems for measuring and reducing energy consumption, the development of sustainable urbanization guidelines and an offer of nature activities linked to the unique biodiversity of the site or to the local environment in 100% villages.

With regard to the reference targets, the objective is to involve the Group as a whole, starting from the people who work there up to the guests of the facilities, not only constantly informing them on the actions undertaken and the progress made but above all making them actively protagonists in the sustainability journey.

“The development of our first Sustainability Plan fits perfectly into the Group’s process of growth and continuous innovation, representing a big step towards tourism that is increasingly attentive to the environment and people’s well-being. What has distinguished us, for over 40 years, is the desire to continue investing in improving our structures but, above all, committing ourselves to enhancing people and strengthening relationships with the territory. We believe that the time for reconnection, participation and care is right now and for this reason we feel the responsibility to act with commitment while remaining faithful to the principles and values ​​that have always guided us; with respect and authenticity we feel involved and believe we can play an active role towards a more sustainable future” he comments Domenico Montano, General Director of Human Company.

“The transition towards sustainability in the tourism sector increasingly appears to be a necessity; Climate change and respect for socio-cultural diversity are, in particular, among the most urgent global challenges for our society. This is why at Human Company we believe it is important to work on the creation and enhancement of greener and more inclusive tourism. For a practical, all-encompassing, scientific but above all transparent approach, our Sustainability Plan is characterized by a concreteness linked to specific objectives set by the Group, which undertakes to describe the degree of achievement from year to year through the drafting of a report of sustainability” he states Mattia Rosati, Chief Corporate Services Officer of Human Company and Mercato Centrale.
Human Company’s photo


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2024-06-04 14:54:33
#Human #Company #villages #nature #local #communities #people


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