“I have to wear glasses, my vision has been impaired,” says Danty after suffering concussions

The La Rochelle center spoke about his concussions suffered over the last two seasons. From now on, he wears glasses as often as possible to rest his eyes.

This is a subject that often comes up on the table in rugby. Concussions are becoming more and more common and the consequences can quickly be terrible for players. Jonathan Danty, center of La Rochelle and the XV of France, has been the victim of multiple head shocks over the last two seasons, including one last January against Leinster and he confided in RMC Sport : “Before the Tournament, I saw an orthoptist who realized that my eyesight had been damaged following this concussion. I have a little problem now with the close view. I have to wear glasses as much as possible to rest my eyes.”

Danty had never had vision problems before. Since this visit to the orthoptist, the 31-year-old admits to regularly wearing his glasses after training and matches because “These are the times when I am the most tired.” “It weighs because it remains my physical integrity. I suffered an alteration in my vision, it remains slight but you never know how the body can react in the long term.

The Rochelais then showed reassurance by affirming that this was not incompatible with the practice of sport at a high level and that he did not feel any particular apprehension during a match. However, it revives debates linked to concussions in rugby and calls for vigilance.


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