“I was knocked out. one day”, Pogacar reveals that he had Covid before the Tour de France

“What did you do between the Giro, won in May, and the start of the Tour on Saturday?
I spent time with my wife and started training intensively again. Then my grandfather passed away, I went back to Slovenia, it was an important moment. And I came back for training. Then I had Covid ten days ago. I recovered well, I’m fine, I didn’t have too many problems. I was knocked out one day, I was rollerblading and I went out when I was no longer contagious. My body knows this virus like a cold and it passed very quickly. I’m in great shape.

Are you the guy to beat?
I’m happy to be here, we’ll see who has the legs, who’s in shape. And everyone is, I guess. I’m not the only one we need to watch out for.

“Physically, I’m ready to win, it’s the mental aspect that I’ll have to manage and be lucky”

Is it difficult to string together the two Grand Tours?
It’s already difficult to win a Grand Tour, difficult to win the Giro, I gave everything. Of course, in my head it’s a big challenge, everyone thinks the same thing. I like taking on challenges, nothing is easy in cycling. After the Giro, I reset the counters to zero, we’ll see in three weeks.

Your rivalry with Jonas Vingegaard is already legendary. How do you judge it?
The relationship with Jonas is great, we see each other once a year and it’s in July! It’s pretty crazy to think that we’re making history. It’s nice that he’s at the Tour, I think he’s ready, otherwise he wouldn’t be here. I’m looking forward to riding with him, it will be a great spectacle, but I hope to wear the yellow jersey.

How to beat him?
Coming first is how you win. You can’t afford to make mistakes, like the last two years. On the Tour, you pay for that in cash. Physically, I’m ready to win, it’s the mental aspect that you’ll have to manage and be lucky.”


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