“I would have liked it, but now…”: bizarre fry order from Castagne causes a stir in That’s fussball

Just like football, fries remain a matter of state in Belgium. Just ask the panel of That is fussball. In the latest episode, Arno The Kid and Red Lion Alexander Hendrickx, among others, react with complete amazement to the fry order from our Belgian right back, Timothy Castagne. Watch the clip below.

No analyses, questions about the consequences of injuries in defense or the Courtois case: every day our European Championship reporter Ruben Van Gucht also asks the Red Devils an atypical non-football question.

Today: which fry order do you always take?

Well, Timothy Castagne’s answer caused quite a stir in the studio of our European Championship program That’s fussball.

“I always have fries with… cheese sauce. That’s good,” said the right back of the national team proudly.

There is no fun to be had in this.

Arno The Kid

“I really wanted it, but now… I still have mixed feelings,” responded a clearly disappointed Arno The Kid, who actually had a portion shoved under his nose during the show.

“No, no, I’m on a diet,” he initially tried to talk himself out of the “taste test”. “That doesn’t even have bacon or mayonnaise on it? There’s just no fun to be had in this.”

But after a moment’s hesitation, he took a bite with long teeth. “No, that’s not it,” he was clear – after which Red Lion Alexander Handrickx and Red Flame Kassandra Missipo were also subjected to the “delicacy”.


2024-06-16 05:35:55
#now.. #bizarre #fry #order #Castagne #stir #fussball


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