«If anyone ever understands…»: “Provincial Ultras” tournament

“If anyone ever understands, it will certainly be someone like me…”, Rino Gaetano sang, and that’s what I think too.

More or less limited numbers and difficult generational change make even ordinary administration less simple. This is what it means to be a provincial ultra. No modern stadiums or breathtaking stages.

What struck me was the humility and honesty in telling us about our realities, and in finding points in common with the groups we interacted with.

No mania for protagonism, no exaltation in stories, no sense of superiority towards adversaries and rivals.

The awareness that every episode that gave rise to a discussion or a listening, that saw us as protagonists, for better or for worse, has written a small page of that world that we still love so much and that at least in these latitudes has some good to save and carry forward.


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2024-06-28 15:49:02
#understands #Provincial #Ultras #tournament


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