III Ciudad de Talavera Clinic: A Judo Experience with Olympians

Since Monday, the José Ángel de Jesús Encinas sports center has hosted the III Ciudad de Talavera Clinic, which, organized by the Sukui club, will culminate on Friday with the exams from the first to the fifth DAN. His teachers are David Alarza, José Luis Díaz and Fernando de los Ríos.

The training includes preparation for high competition by David Alarza, fifth DAN, national master, Olympian in Athens 2004 and Beijing 2008, world champion in Porto 1996, with two continental and 11 national titles.

Alarza remembers his times in Talavera in the courses organized by the legendary Macario García, who was present on Monday at this Clinic. Therefore, “it is a joy to meet friends here again. In statements to this newspaper, he stated that “it is a pride and a pleasure to be in Talavera to transmit my part of what I have learned to these new generations.”

She praises the judokas who are taking part in this course: “They are very involved because there are many hours, three in the morning and three in the afternoon. The truth is that they are motivated, with enthusiasm and desire, which is a driving force for learning and dedication to this sport.”

And, of course, those attending this Clinic should be proud to have David Alarza: «They know my career and I have been on the odd course with them; The truth is that they know how to appreciate it and show interest.

He believes that the exam “is the reward for the work of these days and all the time they spend in the gym.” Therefore, during this course it is about “finishing off small details.” Alarza focuses on the competition where the most important thing is “above all, character.” And judokas “have to be given the urge to move forward, to not give up, to fight and not only in the competition, but also in the previous work.”

Since his retirement some twelve years ago, he has witnessed the evolution of judo, for which “physical preparation is much more important” at the moment. Although he affirms that “judo still maintains its essence.”

For his part, José Luis Díaz, coach of the Sukui club, which is the organiser of the Clinic, was quite satisfied with the registration. He was also looking forward to the Andalusian participants, who, due to some problem, were scheduled to join on Wednesday night. The other students are from Talavera and various places in Castilla-La Mancha, together with those from Madrid.

As far as the exams are concerned, he explained that “the grades are made through the Royal Spanish Judo Federation and on Friday we form the tribunal before which the judokas appear with an exam sheet and we transfer the pass or not.” to the Federation. It is a fact that the athletes enrolled in this Clinic have a lot at stake for Friday; In this regard, José Luis Díaz clarifies that “they come with practically everything learned and here we only give a glimpse of their exam and we help with the kata.”

On Saturday, the Spanish Kata Championship will be held in Madrid, where seven couples from Talavera have qualified, so “we are working with them to improve for this National Championship and to see if we can bring home a medal.”

Of course, names like Macario García and David Alarza give this Clinic a plus. José Luis Díaz does not hesitate to affirm that “Macario García is the founder of judo in Talavera and, in addition, he is a national reference and that he comes here is a source of pride”. While with Alarza “we have the highest national reference in competition and, in addition, he has a simple character”.

2024-06-28 05:25:37
#judokas #Talavera #Clinic #learn #teachers


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