Imagine if only white footballers played for us. The German politician preferred to delete her post after the criticism

“This team is really great. Imagine for a moment that there were only white German players,” wrote the 58-year-old politician on Wednesday shortly after the final whistle of the match, adding three rainbow emoticons, according to Die Welt.

This immediately caused a storm, and many users of the X network accused the politician of racism. “Anyone who makes an issue of the skin color of the German national team players is practicing racism, whatever their motivation,” wrote Middle East expert and journalist Ahmad Mansour.

Wolfgang Kubicki, vice-chairman of the governing liberal FDP, called it “really disturbing when people in Germany are judged by the color of their skin”.

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Euro elections

“You judge people by their appearance. That should be racist according to your definition,” added Manuel Ostermann, deputy head of the German police unions, to the criticism of the green politician.

She eventually deleted the tweet

With her comments, Göring-Eckardt was probably referring to a controversial survey for Sport Inside, a Westdeutscher Rundfunk program that received a lot of attention thanks to the TV documentary “Unity and Justice and Diversity.” In it, one in five said that they would prefer to see more white players in the German team again. According to the poll, 17 percent of Germans thought it was a shame that the captain of the eleven had Turkish roots.

The survey caused outrage and misunderstanding, with national team coach Julian Nagelsmann calling the question itself “madness”.

After garnering more than 8,100 mostly angry reactions in a very short period of time, Göring-Eckardt deleted her post after four hours, according to the Bild newspaper, writing: “I deleted my tweet. I apologize for the way I phrased it. I was upset that 21 percent of Germans would prefer to see more whites in the national team. I’m proud of this team and I hope we can beat that 21 percent.”

Politician and theologian

Göringová-Eckardtová comes from the former GDR, she did not finish her studies in theology at the University of Leipzig and made a living as a kitchen helper.


Katrin Göringová-Eckardtová

After the unification, she went from church dissent to politics. Since 1998, she has been a member of the Bundestag for the Greens, and since December 2021 she has been its vice-president again, holding this post from 2005 to 2013. From 2009 to 2013, she served as president of the Synod of Evangelical Churches in Germany.

Along with 69-year-old Jürgen Trittin, another party veteran, she is among the most influential players among the Greens, and her word carries due weight.

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2024-06-20 21:21:57
#Imagine #white #footballers #played #German #politician #preferred #delete #post #criticism


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