In the middle of a concert, Adele insults a spectator with homophobic remarks (VIDEO)

The scene was quickly filmed and shared on social media, where it sparked an outpouring of support for Adele. Known for his commitment to LGBTQ+ rights, the artist has always shown his support for this community. In 2011, she revealed that her hit “Set Fire to the Rain” was intended as an LGBTQ+ anthem. And in 2016, following the tragedy of the shooting at a gay club in Orlando, she dedicated a concert in Antwerp to the victims of this act of violence, highlighting her deep connection to the community.

Adele concluded her concert by wishing “happy Pride” to the entire audience, except the homophobic spectator, once again underlining her unwavering support for the LGBTQ+ cause. This altercation demonstrates once again how Adele is ready to use her platform to defend the rights and dignity of this community.


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