Injury Worries for Belgian Red Devils at European Championship Training Camp in Germany

The Red Devils have now landed on German soil. On Wednesday they moved into the base camp in Ludwigsburg, and in the meantime they had already trained for the first time. But the injury concerns in the rearguard remain quite significant.

The Devils have traveled to Germany with 24 players. However, UEFA rules allowed 26 international players to participate in the European Championship. However, national coach Domenico Tedesco is not a fan of such a large group. He even stated that he would have preferred to start the European Championship with only 23 players.

The national coach ultimately included 25 boys in his original selection, so he left one spot unused. But one name has already been deleted. After all, Thomas Meunier was injured on Saturday. Although further investigations are being conducted, he will probably have to skip the European Championship completely.

Two are recovering, question mark Witsel

Meunier did not travel along. And that while there were already a number of question marks in the rearguard. After all, Jan Vertonghen and Arthur Theate are still recovering. Although they already completed a small part of the group training on Wednesday, at least the first group matches still come too early for them.

However, it doesn’t stop there. Axel Witsel had to miss group training after he suffered a minor injury against Luxembourg on Saturday. His exact situation has not been communicated for the time being. But it is clear that Witsel is also anything but top fit.

Barely four fit defenders

And so only four fit defenders remain open. According to The standard the pressure on Tedesco is therefore increasing to add an extra defender/back to the selection. Due to the injuries, he basically has until one day before the first group match against Slovakia, on Monday, June 17, to adjust his selection due to the injuries. For the time being, the national coach did not want to know about this, but the current situation may force him to change his mind.

2024-06-12 20:52:00
#Pressure #Tedesco #increasing #extra #Devil #European #Championship


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