Intense Start: Julio Vaccari Leads Rojo Through First Training Day

The brand new coach of Rojo has already had his first day leading the team, characterized by the intensity that he likes so much.

And the day arrived. Officially, Julio Vaccari and the team were face to face, they were able to meet each other, and understand what they intend for the near future. The coach was able to make his proposal known to the players, and the day was characterized both by its intensity and by how long it was.

To begin with, at 9 in the morning, Néstor Grindetti appeared along with other leaders to be the link between the coach and the team, and then they left to let them do their work in Santo Domingo. Vaccari, accompanied by his coaching staff, let the players know that will use audiovisual tools not only to mark successes and errors, but also to analyze rivals.

Once the latter was clarified, they began the training. As expected due to the characteristics of the 43-year-old coach, Control and passing took center stage in training, as did positioning. The coach, at this point, was very intense with the players.

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When the first shift was over, they had lunch, took a nap, and later resumed practice. Of the 34 players, three were missing, of which two were already known and the remaining one was surprising. In this way, then, the team had its first day of training under the orders of Julio Vaccari.

This first confrontation with the footballers served, in short, so that the team understands the new work methodology (similar to that of Gabriel Heinze with his teams), and also to start getting ready. With the first impressions, the players have already started working with the new coaching staff.

2024-06-28 01:27:10
#Vaccaris #day #Independiente #Latest #News #Independiente


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