Inter’s eyes on Bijol. Gasperini places a new bet

We had also said it in recent days: the Europeans they are a very important showcase. For individual footballers who want to show off (Zalewskifor example, Roma warned: “If on one of the two sides there is no desire to continue, choices will be made”) both for the teams that on the one hand want to monetize their jewels and on the other want to look for deals on the market.

Inter, for example, knows this well, having set their sights on one of the protagonists of the European Championships. His national team? Slovenia. His role? Defender. His club team? Udinese. You will have understood: his name is Jaka Biol.

Biol. Font photo:

Marotta looks to the future: Bijol in his sights

We need to look to the future at home Inter. Especially when it comes to defense. Unripe he was born in 1988, too The free he’s starting to get his age and above all his injuries, which is why a graft is needed to revive the line. Someone to include in the squad as a reserve, to make him grow, to make him learn. The name, as we were saying, is that of Jaka Bijol, central defender but also midfielder when needed who is distinguishing himself with the Slovenia shirt.

Born in 1999, he has been at Udinese since 2022, with whom he has collected 44 appearances and 3 goals. Before him, his experiences at CSKA Moscow and Hannover 96. His valuation is still relatively low: 10 million according to the specialized site Transfermarkt, at least 20 for Udinese. A sustainable deal, to be done now or in a year at the latest.

Zaniolo. Photo source: la Repubblica

Gasperini’s new bet

The deal De Ketelaere has left his mark in Bergamo: a player that everyone thought was burnt out has been revalued, recreated and, obviously, redeemed. A trust repaid on the pitch, that of the Belgian attacking midfielder. A successful gamble that Gasperini would now like to repeat. The roads, this time, lead to Turkey, precisely to Istanbul, where that crystalline talent, but at the same time fragile and smoky, plays Nicolò Zaniolo.

The former Roma attacking midfielder wants to return to Serie A and in recent months he has spoken with Fiorentina, Lazio but it is with Atalanta that negotiations can get to the heart of things. The idea is to put 5 million euros on the bank for the loan and guarantee another 15 for the redemption. Of course, the player has to give up something, given that the 2.8 million euros a year that he earns in Turkey cannot be guaranteed by Atalanta. But Bergamo can’t wait to place another bet. And to win it, of course.

2024-06-27 10:02:05
#Inters #eyes #Bijol #Gasperini #places #bet


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