Interview with Judo Champion Mascha Ballhaus: A Look into Her Mind and Heart

Questions for Mascha Ballhaus:

What drives you?
The feeling when you reach your goal and everything you work hard for every day pays off.

How do you manage to overcome your inner demons?
“I have a specific goal in mind and that really pushes me. And when my twin sister trains hard, I have to go along with her ;-).

What do you particularly like about yourself?
My positive attitude and my fun and joy when I am on the judo mat.

What achievement are you particularly proud of?
To my World Championship medal and making it to the Olympic Games

Is there a ritual/lucky charm during the competition?
My boyfriend writes me a letter before every competition. I take it with me and read it the morning before the competition.

What do you dislike about yourself?
That I take things too precisely and correctly and am a great perfectionist. I am not very spontaneous and prefer to plan everything.

What is the best way to relax?
When I’m at home and just spending a relaxing evening with my boyfriend on the couch.

What is your favorite food that you want when you come home to your parents?
Pork fillet stuffed with pesto and potato gratin cooked by mom

What makes you laugh the most?
I can enjoy the smallest things and laugh for a long time about things that other people might not find so funny.

To whom would you award a medal and for what reason?
My twin sister Seija, my boyfriend and my parents. Without them I wouldn’t be where I am. They always support me 100 percent, no matter what situation I’m in.

What is temptation for you?

Give us your wisdom:
Everything you have is everything you need.

The portraits will be permanently presented on the DJB’s Olympic website.

2024-06-24 10:59:40
#German #Judo #Federation #Paris #Mascha #Ballhaus


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