Introducing Micro-Basketball: A Program for Young Children to Develop Psycho-Motor Skills

Micro-basketball is a program for children ages 3 to 5. Built from the principles of basketball, it promotes the awakening of their psycho-motor skills. Nathalie Conté set up and has been running the activity in La Romieu since this year. Today an osteopath and mother of a little girl, she has also been a physical education and sports (PE) teacher. She nevertheless had to pass all the certifications, this discipline, very supervised, requiring a qualification recognized by the federation. “This recognition makes it possible to offer a very reasonable registration cost,” explains Romain Boucher, president of the La Romieu club. The session alternates games, exercises, courses, with ad hoc equipment. Children jump, run, throw, thus developing coordination, balance, discovery of space and learning simple rules. Parents can attend or even participate. That evening, there were 7 or 8 of them encouraging their children but also talking. “The year worked well since Nathalie had between 5 and 10 children each time. An experience to be duplicated elsewhere,” adds Romain Boucher. “As for La Romieu, the activity will continue at the start of the next school year on Wednesday morning,” confirms Nathalie Conté. Information at 32 or by email ([email protected]).

2024-06-24 04:58:13
#Microbasketball #year #olds #Romieu


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