Isabel Díaz Ayuso is honest about thinking of being president of the Government

‘100% Unique’ has had the visit of Isabel Diaz Ayuso, president of the Community of Madridwho has talked about both her personal life and her career, where came the big question that many wonder about whether she will end up running as president of the Government.

“When are you going to become president of the Government?”Eduardo García asked her and she did not hesitate to answer: “I can’t do it for many reasons.” First of all, she assured that there are other people who are working towards that, in her case the president of my party, Alberto Nuñez Feijóo: “What I have is to work from Madrid, that being capital has the obligation to be capital in every sense, that if any of you has a problem, a need, you have a place of reference to have a second chance or whatever. What I do is work from Madrid at the service of all Spaniards“.

But this was not the only question that Díaz Ayuso did not hesitate to answer in reference to the political sphere. “Do you like Pedro Sánchez?” Clara Rodríguez did not hesitate to ask her and the president of the Community of Madrid intoned a “not especially”. Also, when the topic of the amnesty came up he claimed to be against it and “hopefully I can do something to stop it”, although really “he can’t.”

Isabel Díaz Ayuso speaks out about the amnesty and her career in politics

Without ceasing to talk about her political career, Isabel related that she has always liked politics, since she was a child, and that is why she decided to continue growing in this field, of which she has also sometimes regretted being a part: “Sometimes I have thought : What life could you lead if you had chosen another path?“Although, finally, she claimed to be very proud of having chosen this: “As so many special things happen to me every day and I see the responsibility I have, I am very proud to have chosen this path, I think it’s the best thing I’ve ever done.”

2024-06-24 21:41:01
#Isabel #Díaz #Ayuso #honest #thinking #president #Government


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