Italian Basketball Federation Confirms Abolition of Sporting Release: New Rules to Start in July 2024

On Monday, a provision from the Council of Ministers postponed the entry into force of the sporting release to 1 July 2025. A decision of this kind, just a few days after the long-awaited new course for the free movement of players, left many speechless .
This afternoon the FIP federal council met in extraordinary session and deliberated the decision not to take advantage of the last-minute extension but to proceed with the abolition of the restriction and the related new rules starting as planned from next July 1, 2024. This was stated by President Giba Marzoli at the end of the federal council in which he participated.
“ The extension approved by the government risked causing confusion and problems, even for the players. The Italian Basketball Federation did very well in confirming the abolition of the restriction starting from 1 July 2024. It is a coherent and winning choice that we deeply agree with, a decision respectful of the path of these years which protects the rights in the best possible way of athletes” is an independent newspaper that does not receive any public funding. If you like our work and want to help us in our mission you can offer us a coffee by making a donation, we will be extremely grateful.

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Paolo Iannuccelli was born in Correggio, province of Reggio Emilia, on October 2, 1953, and lives in Nettuno, after having lived in Latina for over fifty years. He currently works in publishing, communications and sports. A fundamental and important part of his life is dedicated to sports, as an athlete, coach, manager, journalist, organizer, promoter, consultant, in basketball. In his career he won seven championships as a coach, seven as president. He has volunteered in facilities hosting people in difficulty, always trying to help the weak and oppressed. He is a member of the Panathlon Club International, the Lions Club Terre Pontine and the Unione Nazionale Veterani dello Sport. In basketball he was a student of Asa Nikolic, the greatest European coach of all time. In sports journalism he was followed by Aldo Giordani, historic Rai commentator, founder and director of the magazine Superbasket. He is currently president of the Associazione Basket Latina 1968. He has collaborated with local and national newspapers, published technical books on basketball and local history, customs and traditions. He deeply loves Latina and Ponza, the homeland of the heart.

2024-06-27 17:39:25
#abolition #sporting #constraint #Italian #Basketball #Federation


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