Italian Cadets Shine at European Championships in Sofia

The curtain fell on the second day of the Cadet European Championships in Sofia (Bulgaria). On the Bulgarian tatami, a day-1 in which the Bel Paese achieved fifth place Alice Bersellini and the sevenths of Giulia Sorelli e Maila Pagliaro in this continental review.

Bersellini he started his progress well in the 52 kg, with a wazari of o uchi gari, against Ukraine Yelyzaveta Yemelianovathen replicating the success with ippon of koshi jime against the Cypriot Adamantia Christodoulidou. The third statement came against the Dutchman Elise Quiet due to a waki gatame sanctioned with disqualification. In the semi-final with the Spanish Monica Martinez de Rituerto Morillas and in the final for third place with the Frenchwoman Clarisse Carillon However, our standard-bearer was unable to manage an advantageous condition against the Iberian and suffered three shido in the match against the French player.

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Sorelli has collected three victories in the 57 kg, against the Turk Zeynep Ozturkthe Slovenian Haya Veinhandl Obaid and in the recovery against Ukraine Diana Balbek. But in the quarterfinals there was a stop for the Italian. The same can be said for Pagliaro in the 63 kg, victorious against the Danish Ingrid Komodowskiin Georgian My name is Gulbani and the Turkish one Sinem Orucma out we recover.

2024-06-28 20:28:24
#Judo #podium #Italy #day #European #Cadet #Championships #Alice #Bersellini


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