Italian Exodus: Crazy Market in A2 as Top Players Disappear

Crazy market in A2, the Italians seem to have disappeared. And in all roles: those who have them keep them and those who have to go looking for them find themselves faced with astronomical salary requests. The bank is breaking the bank and the risk, for those who want to compete, is that of buying with debt, with all the consequences of the case.

Cantù, accustomed to doing calculations and measuring all operations with the bank statement, has practically given up on the paths that led – we are talking about long ones – to Paul Biliga, who will remain in Serie A and move to Tortona, and Giovanni Vildera, who will the whole boot, leaving Trieste and arriving in Brindisi in the face of a rich two-year contract and a paid buyout.

So what will happen at Acqua S. Bernardo? An option has appeared on Luca Possamai, 23 years old, 212 centimeters tall, last season at Umana Chiusi, but under the control of Reyer Venezia. And, after struggling in the lower areas of A2, he could now make the upgrade and go to reinforce one of the most ambitious teams in the league.

The Possamai operation would mean bringing Christian Burns back to the center of the village, who, instead of starting behind a center and guaranteeing quality minutes, would find himself in that leading role that he did not always occupy in the season just ended. At that point we will be faced with a long unit made up of the foreigner, Filippo Baldi Rossi, Christian Burns and Luca Possamai. An option not unwelcome to coach Nicola Brienza.

2024-06-28 04:27:21
#Cantù #hunt #long #option #appears #Possamai


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