Italian Judo Team Finalized: 19-Year-Old Savita Russo Included for Paris 2024 Olympic Games

25 Jun 2024 17:50

Official. The national team has completed its contingent one month before the opening of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games and also includes nineteen-year-old Savita Russo. Lto Russo, student of Maestro Maurizio Pelligra and of the Koizumi judo Scicli company, he will be part of the group of twelve Italian athletes who will hunt for medals on the tatami of the Champ-de-Mars Arena. The qualification came after the last and definitive update of the Olympic rankings by the International Judo Federation (IJF). With this step, the young Savita Russo obtained the continental quota, 39th in the five-circle ranking of her weight category (-63 kg), which was reserved for twelve athletes and as many female athletes in total, with the limit that each country could benefit from only one.

The Ragusan athlete is the pride of the Sciclitana judo club: her dream of participating in the Olympic Games comes true.

Bronze at the Cadet World Championships in 2022, European champion at junior level in 2023 in Holland and winner of the continental bronze among seniors this year in Zagreb, the athlete from Ragusa will debut at the Paris Olympics which will start on 26 July to finish the August 11th.

Here is the national judo team going to Paris. Twelve individual passes: Assunta Scutto – 48 kg, Odette Giuffrida – 52 kg, Veronica Toniolo – 57 kg, Alice Bellandi -78 kg, Manuel Lombardo – 73 kg, Christian Parlati – 90 kg, Asya Tavano – +78 kg, Antonio Esposito – 81 kg, Gennaro Pirelli – 100 kg, Matteo Piras – 66 kg, Kim Polling – 70 kg, Savita Russo – 63 kg.

The joy of her coach, Maurizio Pelligra, who followed Savita Russo’s sporting growth.

“I have no words – he comments – it was a dream that chased our athlete but also us. The Olympics are an event we were aiming for. We have no words, we will be at his side as we have been for some time.”

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2024-06-25 15:50:56
#Savita #Russo #Paris #national #judo #team


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