Italian Sprinters Marcell Jacobs and Chituru Ali Make History with Sub-Ten Second 100m Times

Marcell Jacobs 9.92, Chituru Ali 9.96, two Italians under ten seconds in the same 100 meters race: it had never happened in the history of Italian athletics. The exciting wake of the European Championships in Rome continues: the Olympic and continental 100m champion in Turku Marcell Jacobs with a wind of +1.5 sets the third time of his career, better only than the 9.80 of the final in Tokyo and the 9.84 of the semi-final in Japan. A time that places him in 5th place on the world lists for the year when the Paris Olympics are a month and a half away. Chituru Ali breaks the 10-second barrier for the first time and becomes the second Italian of all time

Jacobs: “It’s just the beginning, I hope the culmination is Paris”

“I’m really happy with today’s two races, twice under ten seconds, it was what I predicted in the sense that, step by step, race after race, excellent confirmation of the work we are doing could have arrived.” Thus Marcell Jacobs after winning the 100 meters final of the meeting named after the great Paavo Nurmi in Turku. “I’m very happy for myself and for Chituru – says Jacobs -, who really did an excellent performance. I feel like a bit of a brother major, we had an incredible race, and I hope it is the start of a great season which will obviously culminate with the Paris Olympics“.


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