Italian wrestler Frank Chamizo will eventually make the Olympics, after being reinstated

The Italian wrestler of Cuban origins Frank Chamizo, two-time winner at the World Wrestling Championships and bronze medal at the Rio 2016 Olympics, has been admitted to the Paris 2024 Olympics, after the International Olympic Committee excluded a Russian and a Belarusian wrestler . Chamizo had failed to qualify in a much-discussed match fought at the beginning of April in Baku, Azerbaijan, against the Azerbaijani Turan Bayramov, in which he was evidently disadvantaged by the referees (who were then suspended). On that occasion he also said that he had suffered a bribery attempt to let the home athlete win.

Then the following month Chamizo lost against the Albanian Chermen Valiev in the quarter-finals of the last pre-Olympic tournament, in Istanbul, and therefore did not qualify for Paris 2024. Now, however, he has effectively been reinstated, after the Olympic Committee decided to exclude the Russian Zaurbek Sidakov and the Belarusian Magomedkhabib Kadzimahamedau, who should have participated as independent athletes, without flag and without anthem, but were ousted after an investigation which found in their past positions taken in favor of the Russian president Vladimir Putin. Chamizo was brought back as the best athlete in the ranking among those excluded.

– Read also: What it means to be an athlete of the Refugee Olympic Team

2024-06-27 15:19:52
#Italian #wrestler #Frank #Chamizo #eventually #Olympics #reinstated


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