Italy vs. Türkiye: Friendly Match Review and Euro 2024 Preparation Analysis

Italy’s approach to Euro 2024 begins at the Dall’Ara with a test certainly not sparkling of Spalletti’s eleven. Lots to review for the Italian coach, with his Italy blocked for long stretches by Vincenzo Montella’s Türkiye. Let’s see how they behaved announced protagonists of this friendly international.

ITALIA (4-2-3-1)

Guglielmo Vicar 6 – Go out sometimes reckless but courageous; he risks the ball and chain a bit but is rarely called into action.

Giovanni By Lorenzo 6 – He takes it upon himself to annul Yildiz and he does it really well. In the second half he takes courage and pushes harder.

Gianluca Mancini 6 – First half between lights and shadows, with several inaccuracies. He also grows in the second half. It is right to spend the yellow card to avoid a dangerous restart in recovery.

Alessandro Sticks 6 – Mediocre first half, the start of the second half was much better. He doesn’t make many mistakes but it’s not a memorable match for the Nerazzurri.

Federico Dimarco 6 – When it comes to closing he is precise but has less space than usual for his gallops on the wing. He tries to show himself in the second half but is not helped by his teammates.
From 84′ Riccardo Calafiori 6 – Making your debut with the national team in your home stadium is not something for everyone. Not everything works at its best but at least it manages to give a bit of liveliness to the manoeuvre.

Jorginho 6 – Despite the captain’s armband, you don’t see much of him. Much more careful in the coverage phase but certainly not a great performance from the Italian-Brazilian.
From 62′ Nicolò Beans 6 – His return after the disqualification is important and the Juventus player is not disappointed. Ordered just enough, not much more.

Bryan Cristante 6,5 – Good in coverage, much less in setting but when it turns on it makes the difference. His header is beautiful and hits the post.

Riccardo Orsolini 5,5 – Big opportunity for the rossoblu playmaker right in his home stadium, not fully taken advantage of. He could do much more and much better.
From the 45th minute Andrea Cambiaso 6 – Spalletti asks him to target the opponent but it’s not easy. At least he moves more, even if he isn’t very precise in certain offensive moves.

Lorenzo Pellegrini 5,5 – Less lively than usual, he shows up little in the first half. When Italy changes gear he does a little better until the blow that forces him to leave the pitch.
From the 67th minute Davide Frattesi 6 – When he comes onto the pitch Italy is taking a breather and has few opportunities to make his dynamism count. A little overshadowed by him.

Federico Church 5,5 – The desire is great but the systematic doubling thought of by Montella limits it a lot. He tries to show off by recovering balls: not much.
From 45′ Mattia Zaccagni 6 – As soon as he entered he had a golden ball but he wasted it badly. However he manages to give liveliness to the department.

Mateo Retegui 5,5 – As soon as he has a decent ball he tries to sting, with very little luck. Disappointing first half, with several wasted opportunities; a little better in the second half, although more concreteness in front of goal would be needed.
From the 67th minute Giacomo Raspadori 6 – You don’t see much but he receives a few good balls from his teammates, even getting nervous. In recovery he could have used Bayindir more.

Luciano Spalletti 5 – First half at a slow pace, with legs heavy from work but also few ideas. The reprimand in the locker room had the effect of an electric shock and Italy benefited from it before dying out towards the end. We’re not there yet, in short.

Türkiye (4-2-3-1)

Altai Bayindir 6 – Responds present even if he is not called into question often.

Mehmet Zeki Literate 6 – The Roma player has to deal with an unpleasant client like Chiesa but he controls him well. Rougher in the second half in the derby with Zaccagni.

epic war Ozkacar 6 – The main dangers for the Turkish goal come from his wing but, all things considered, the side’s performance is appreciable.

Others Ayhan 6 – Completely restful match until Italy steps on the accelerator. Montella notices this and calls him back to the bench.
Dal 63′ Heavy Ozdemir 6 – He moves well but it’s not clear exactly what Montella asked him to do.

Poet Courgette 6 – Orderly enough, very careful in pressing. After a match without infamy and without praise, here comes the injury that threatens to take away the European championship from him. Bad lucky.
Dal 42′ Merih Demiral 6 – The former Juventus player alternates less than impeccable interventions in defense with not bad offensive projections.

Because Muldur 6 – Although it is not exactly his position, he alternates phases of control with reckless entrances.

Abdulkarim bardakci 6,5 – Not very busy, pushes little in the first half. After the break he is forced to make some precise closures but is more proactive going forward.

Oguz Aydin 6 – Montella trusts him and doesn’t miss the opportunity. Excellent restarts from him but sporadic from him.
Dal 46′ Abdulkadir Vertebra 6 – Neat in his phrasing, not very proactive, but when he finds the right opening he becomes dangerous with his speed.

Kenan Star 5,5 – Anonymous first half, with several wasted balls; when he has more space, he can make his speed count.

That’s it Calhanoglu 6,5 – The Inter midfielder is something completely different but he is quite expert in winning interesting free kicks. Montella makes him play in a strange position but he makes very few mistakes. He doesn’t shine but he doesn’t make much mistakes either.

Yusuf Printer 6 – You don’t see much in the first half, more lively in the second half but not enough to impress the Rossoneri fans. Postponed.
Dal 54′ Orkun Kokçu 6 – He doesn’t lack talent but it is marked in a precise way. When Italy pulls back the oars it has more space to express itself at its best.

Bar Alper Yilmaz 5,5 – Unlucky on the header which went just over the crossbar but still a decent effort. If nothing else, he puts in the effort.
Dall’81’ 24 Semih Kiliksoy 6 – The young Turkish center forward struggles to find space in the attentive Italian defense but moves a lot and causes some headaches. He doesn’t lack talent.

Vincenzo Montella 6 – The

his Türkiye is organised, presses well and knows how to take advantage of the Azzurri’s inaccuracies. In the first half he manages the match with ease, but when Italy pushes he suffers more. He didn’t do badly in the central phase of the second half.


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