It’s a Playoff Showdown for First Place: UnipolSai Fortitudo Bologna vs. Parma

Play-off for first place, even if the Italian champions UnipolSai will have to watch out for the return of Parma, who trail the Italians by just one victory. It is the mother of all matches, as well as the revenge of the last Scudetto final: Lele Frignani’s team, which came out defeated last weekend against BBC Grosseto (2-1 in favor of the Maremma), finds the battleship San Marino who In the playoffs, the wildcard Raul Rivero, pitcher and strong point of Fortitudo for ten years, should also play. Tonight and Saturday (weather permitting) we play at Falchi: tomorrow in San Marino and again at 8.30 pm.

The weather in recent days has put Frignani’s boys in difficulty who, with the Falchi partly flooded, were unable to train as they would have liked.

“The pitch was flooded all week – comments manager Frignani – but we have to look ahead. Herrera made his debut in Grosseto. He was a bit tense, as was normal since it was his first experience away from Cuba But as he played he gained confidence and finished on a high. I think he can give us a big hand.”

Tonight Civit-Robles, tomorrow Crepaldi-Bassani and Saturday Lopez-Herrera are the possible pairs on the pitching mound for Fortitudo. Frignani, however, does not reveal the cards.

“We have a particularly treacherous weekend ahead of us against a battleship.” Then, next week, the regular season closes, again at Gianni Falchi, against Macerata. The last chances to finish in first or second place. Above all, we will have to manage a long period without official commitments.

We will return to the field at the end of July: perhaps in the meantime, Fortitudo will be able to appeal to the transfer market. Although, so far, there are no signs in this direction. The only certainty is represented by the full-time return of Alessandro Vaglio at the beginning of August. Fortitudo and the Gianni Falchi fans await him with open arms.

The other matches: Bsc Grosseto-Parma; Macerata-Bbc Grosseto.

The ranking: San Marino 708 (17-7); UnipolSai Fortitudo Bologna 667 (16-8); Parma 625 (15-9); Macerata 458 (11-13); Bsc Grosseto 292 (7-17); BBC Grosseto 250 (6-18).

2024-06-27 07:07:59
#Baseball #8.30pm #league #leaders #San #Marino #arrive #Falchi #Frignanis #trust #UnipolSai #growing


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