“It’s my fault because I chose the players”

“We lacked rhythm, freshness, which always make the difference. Tonight I changed some players but at the moment we are not capable of doing more than this”. So Luciano Spalletti to Rai microphones after the elimination from Euro 24. “That goal at the beginning of the second half cut our legs off, we were not very incisive, the rhythm made the difference, their higher ere in the first half and also individuality there was a different pace between the pairs. Many were not continuous in pressing, in nibbling centimetres”.


Spalletti, resign or continue until the World Cup? Here’s what can happen now and who could replace him

«The road to the World Cup is very long, but it’s something that needs to be done slowly – continued the coach.

but it certainly takes more pace, more quality and more sacrifice. Unfortunately there are a few things that also come from how the championship ended. We didn’t arrive in good condition and then the heat also had an impact.”

The Ct’s press conference

«Everything that happened is my fault because I chose the players. I am not happy with the match we played and not even with the one against Spain. I am partially satisfied with the other two games. Last time I blamed myself for what happened because I had changed and rested too little. This time instead I changed six men, but the rhythm was always the same, but in any case it is my fault. I need more time, I didn’t have much of it and he immediately asked himself to win. The national team needs to change something.”

THE RACE. “It was timid in terms of intensity and we didn’t maintain a high level. If you don’t do something about the rhythm it’s difficult because the others are faster. You need more legs and that’s what you need with any module.”

SWITZERLAND. «Switzerland qualified correctly. They played better than us and deserved to win».

INSERT NEW YOUNG PEOPLE. «If there are young elements and they have the potential to seat others, I am the first to have to find the correct space. I’ve done a lot of tests, but now I have to change something and this is a certainty. We haven’t seen a team that has a solidity to build on and therefore we have to work on the chassis I have chosen. I have to do some tests and I am forced to do them because I have no other choice. This told the story of the experience.”


1970-01-01 00:00:00
#fault #chose #players


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