“It’s very enriching”: a fifteen from France rejuvenated in discovery mode in Marcoussis

Since Fabien Galthié took over the French team four years ago, the summer tours have been an opportunity for major changes and the discovery of new faces. The first week of work in Marcoussis in preparation for the tests in Argentina (July 6 and 13) and Uruguay (July 10) is no exception to the rule. In addition to being deprived of the Top 14 finalists, the departure for Argentina being scheduled for June 26, two days before the final (the 28th in Marseille), the coach leaves his executives to rest.

Of the 32 players called up this week, 19 have no selection. “It’s an exciting challenge,” explained conquest coach Laurent Sempéré on Wednesday. The players brought us a lot of energy even though we could have feared about their level of freshness. »

” It is very enriching. We discover new people, different work environments”

Baptiste Couilloud, scrum half of the fifteen of France

Les Baptiste Serin (30 years old, 44 caps), Melvyn Jaminet (24/19), Arthur Vincent (24/18), Louis Carbonel (25/5), Baptiste Couilloud (26/16), Jean-Baptiste Gros (25/ 27), Gaëtan Barlot (27/7) and other Demba Bamba (26/26) serve as experienced players.

“There are a few of us at the turning point who know the playing system that has been in place for four years, it’s easier for us and it allows us to guide the new arrivals,” explains scrum half Baptiste Couilloud, who had already experienced tours of Australia in 2021 and Japan in 2022 with revamped groups. It is very enriching. We discover new people, different working environments, changed ways of working too because we are arriving at the end of the season, so the staff is trying to bring a little more fun to extra-rugby. We all have high personal stakes in these matches but it’s also good to take it with a little more lightness. »

A few intense sessions before an opposition against Romania

Among the new members of the group, the third row of Castres Yann Peysson, son of Stéphane, who had played with Fabien Galthié in Colomiers, smiled when he heard the word “light” after a very intense training session , THURSDAY. “I was a little surprised to be called,” he admitted. I am discovering a new system, different from the club, but we are well guided by experienced players for placements and instructions. We adapt to it quite quickly. »

Meeting since Monday in Marcoussis, the group quickly got to work, with high-intensity sessions on Wednesday and Thursday which therefore lived up to their name and made it possible to prepare the led opposition scheduled for Saturday afternoon (3 p.m.) in Marcoussis against Romania. There are places to be won.

A group which will be modified and expanded on Sunday

As staff members made known during the week, the 32 called up this week will not all be traveling to South America. The right pillar Tevita Tafafu, who is not yet selectable, will not go further than this week, for example. As he did with Emmanuel Meafou at the end of the 2023 Six Nations Tournament, the management of the Blues is starting to integrate an element that could count in the future.

For the others, except the players named by Fabien Galthié in our columns on June 6 as certain starters (Nouchi, Attisogbé, Gailleton, Frisch, Berdeu and Tuilagi), this first week is therefore an opportunity to show off. “We have a few balls this week to convince,” summarized Racing hooker Janick Tarrit on Wednesday, who is one of the rookies. Me, I’m here to show up and take whatever I can get. We’re in this state of mind a lot, so I’m doing this first week hard and if there’s something more, that’s great, otherwise too bad, I would have tried to acquire as many things as possible. »

A final list of 42 players will be communicated on Sunday noon after the semi-finals of the Top 14 (Toulouse – La Rochelle on Friday and Stade Français – Bordeaux on Saturday), the scenarios of which will allow Fabien Galthié and his staff to see more clearly on their choice.


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