Izskrien Rīga Running Series Reaches Record Number of Participants in Popular Race

“Izskrien Rīga”, organized by the Association of Adventure Competitions in cooperation with the Riga City Municipality and Intervals.lv, has been taking place on Thursday evenings for several years and delights running enthusiasts. Each year the number of participants has grown, but this year for the first time the number of participants reached over a thousand for this popular running series.

The venue of the first stage – Victory Park – “Run Riga” was included for the first time. It is well known to fans of an active lifestyle, as many have run, cycled, skated or skied there in the winter, but yesterday they and others had the opportunity to try the reconstructed and well-equipped Uzvara Park in running competition mode. Participants also had the opportunity to enjoy ice cream cocktails, bubble tea, “Baltais” yogurts, cheeses, creams and refresh themselves with “Magnesia” water.

Photo: Publicity photo

Since the running series takes place in circles in Riga’s parks, there is a certain limit that cannot be exceeded in order not to make running difficult due to an excessive number of participants, so the organizers invite participants to register for the next stages in time. Registration for the next stages is open from June 7.

The participants of “Run Riga” were offered the usual three distances – 10 kilometers, 5 kilometers and a health distance, which is related to time control – 30 minutes. Representatives of groups of children of several ages had the opportunity to run from 250 to 750 meters. The tracks were prepared by Latvian record holder Dmitrijs Seryogins. Among the runners are Latvia’s leading athletes, families with children, as well as foreign guests who can and want to spend their time actively and socialize with other like-minded people.


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