Jaime Maussan: “They told my children at school that I was crazy” – El Sol de México

For a few years now, most people no longer talk about UFO (Unidentified Flying Object) but about FANI, an acronym that means “Unidentified Anomalous Phenomenon”.

According to ufologist Jaime Maussan, this is due to an opening that has been taking place since 2015 and has to do with beginning to name the same phenomenon in a different way:

“All that began to change because politicians and the media in the United States no longer wanted to be associated with the term UFO (Unidentified Flying Object), because there was a whole campaign to discredit that term, and from that change of name, a kind of internal change has also been taking place, as if it were part of an agenda, because then came the article from The New York Times December 16, 2017 (Are UFOs real? A Pentagon program tried to find out) and “Everything begins to change there, especially because the three videos from the Pentagon are leaked, which are the ones that changed everything.”

In an interview with El Sol de México, the journalist assures that he saw this as support for all his years of research on the subject.

“Of course I was happy, because for me it is also a personal situation, since getting involved in this issue caused problems for me, and not only for me, but also for my children who were constantly attacked at school, because they They said that their dad was crazy, that he saw things that no one else saw and that he said things that no one else said. At that time my children were small and did not understand what was happening, so it was all very unfair,” he reveals.

Maussan assures that although for several decades the US government has not wanted to open the classified documents they have on this issue, there is currently a tug-of-war in that country’s Congress, which could force the authorities of that country to be forced to make that information known.

“I believe that they are sinking deeper and deeper into their own lies and that people are going to realize that they lied for 80 years, affecting not only the careers of people who dedicated themselves to this issue, but also taking lives, like that of the Secretary of Defense that on May 22, 1949, he supposedly jumped from the 17th floor of the hospital from which he was about to be discharged, although they put him there precisely because he started talking about the beings he had seen and by order of the president. They put him in that institution for the mentally ill, we could say that it was the first death that is related to the famous men in black and that later when a congresswoman was trying to investigate they didn’t let her either.”

According to him, the declassification of said documents will also depend on which candidate wins the next elections in the United States.

“I believe that if Trump wins – which I think is a danger to the world, it would be the worst thing that could happen to us – he could open all that, because he is an anti-establishment politician, but I prefer that he not open it, because it would be a historic failure, especially for climate issues.”

The ufologist recommends the use of security cameras, both indoors and outdoors, to detect extraterrestrial and paranormal activity

Jaime Maussan has been running a campaign in which he highlights the importance of security cameras, in order to capture the possible activity of unidentified anomalous phenomena.

“Yes, they put some in my house and I liked them so much that I bought more and they are great, because they have very good image quality, plus they notify you if they detect something, everything is recorded and you can have your own file.”

Although the journalist acknowledges that so far he has not had any luck with any particular discovery, he assures that this is also a matter of luck and constant monitoring.

Likewise, it is recommended to install this type of artifact in a place where there is a panoramic view and from where reference points can be established.

“Reference points are very important, because sometimes you record an object, but if you don’t have a reference point you can’t get an idea of ​​its size or the speed at which it is moving.”

He also suggests its use inside homes, since he believes that in this way the presence of paranormal activity can be captured.

“In your own home you can also capture a being or an energy; “We have videos of energies inside the houses, which are spheres of energy that move, something tremendous that is happening a lot around the world.”

Maussan assures that it once happened to him that due to lack of technological devices he could not record a discovery.

“It happened to me in the mountains, in 1999, when night vision was not yet included in ordinary cameras. We went to La Rumorosa to investigate a case of three young boys who got lost and as we walked around looking for the place, we noticed that there were two phosphorescent beings, of whom we saw six people, and even one of them, who was very skeptical, got very scared. when he saw them, that was an event where, if I had had a night vision camera, I would have one of the most celebrated documents in my hands.”

For the expert, any persevering person armed with a little patience can venture into this activity.

“If you have a camera and you go up to the roof of your house to record, and you start doing it frequently, you will develop an impressive ability to see objects in the sky, because sometimes it is not easy to detect them, so it is an “a matter of personal training.”

The discovery that changed his life

He assures that the case that has impacted him the most was that of Eduard Albert Meier, a farmer who presented several images of the ships of a civilization called Plejaren or Pleiades, which made him one of the most prominent voices on the subject.

This case impacted him so much that he decided to get more involved in the issue of UFOs, but also the holes in the ozone layer, an issue that was little talked about in the media at that time.

“This takes me to the Arctic, at the North Pole, because I realized that NASA was doing research about it and I went there in January of ’87, in fact I was the only journalist from practically the entire world who was there. , and everyone told me why I was worried about this issue if I came from a tropical country, and therefore my country was not going to be as affected as others, but of course it seemed very important to me and that project that I carried out was the one that “It motivated Mexico to be the first country to ratify the Montreal Protocol that same year.”

Maussan is as interested in extraterrestrial beings as he is in the situation on planet Earth. In fact, for him they are two closely related phenomena. In his television programs and online, he spreads what he considers “the real news.”

“For me the real news is not necessarily the political news that we all see, nor the drug violence, but rather the news about climate change; The fact that in the United States they are about to declare the heat a danger to the country’s security, that people are dying in India, Mexico or Greece because the heat cannot be tolerated, is something extremely dangerous, and for me the most It is important to turn the issue around and close the circle, because the only thing that can change the way of thinking of human beings is the possibility of starting a communication process with extraterrestrials, that would completely change us all,” he says.

A popular culture character

For many years it has also been common to see Jaime Maussan’s image on different products, be they albums, songs or video clips where he is parodied, quoted or related to various topics.

“I don’t do it for fame, nor for money, but because I believe that at this moment there is the possibility of starting a communication with other intelligences, I believe that people see it and that is why I have become something that I never searched.”

As a curious fact, he remembers that in his beginnings as a journalist he passed through this publishing house, the newspaper El Sol de México being where he did his professional internship.

“I started in December 1970 and I was there until ’71, covering many government sources, then they gave me a job at La Afificación and then I had an interview with Jacobo Zabludovsky, so later I went to Televisa,” he recalls.

2024-06-25 08:00:00
#Jaime #Maussan #told #children #school #crazy #Sol #México


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