Jannik Sinner and Novak Djokovic: un’ora in decisive field before Wimbledon

Rome, 26 June. (Adnkronos Health) – 43% of pet owners, according to the Zoomark-Nomisma report, are part of a family unit with children. Starting from the increasingly large presence of pets in Italian families, Royal Canin*, together with the psychologist and psychotherapist Elisa Colombo, the veterinary doctor Manuela Michelazzi, specialized in behavioral medicine and health director of the Milan Kennel, delves into the importance of pets company in our lives, especially for the little ones. Leveraging the skills and knowledge of the two experts, a decalogue of 5 benefits that derive from the virtuous relationship between children and animals and 5 tips on how to manage and encourage the growth of this relationship was thus outlined.

The real benefits that derive from knowledge, interaction and relationship with a pet for the development of the little ones, according to experts, are the following: 1. Development of self-esteem – the attention, willingness to play and affectionate behaviors that the animal manifested towards the child contribute to the development of his self-esteem. The child can experience his own effectiveness in the various activities related to the care of the animal, for example feeding and drinking it, brushing it or keeping its litter box clean, feeling capable, valued and gratified. Finally, the spontaneity that characterizes relationships with animals allows the child to feel appreciated in his authenticity; 2. Development of empathy and a sense of responsibility: taking care of an animal helps develop the ability to consider and recognize the needs of others and to take care of them appropriately. This experience also contributes to the development of the child’s sense of responsibility, who will develop a conscientious attitude, thanks to the awareness of the influence of one’s own behavior on the well-being of one’s four-legged friend.

3. Respect for diversity: growing up with a pet, the child experiences a situation in which evident diversity does not represent a barrier to communication, play and sharing emotions; 4. Development of cognitive skills: caring for the animal and the need to pay attention to its way of communicating, regulating its behavior based on its responses, can have a positive effect on the development of the child’s cognitive skills, such as planning, memory and control of impulsive responses. Furthermore, animals can have a calming and reassuring effect, with a reduction in anxiety which facilitates learning processes; 5. Facilitation of social relationships: pets can promote communication and the creation of friendship bonds between people, thanks to their ability to arouse interest, sympathy, positive emotions and to constitute a pleasant topic of conversation. Animals can also contribute to family unity, increasing interaction and communication between the different members, also thanks to activities such as playing or walking, which are useful for releasing stress and promoting positive emotions.

For children, a pet can be their first best friend, a real adventure and life companion with whom they can grow together. To foster the relationship between the two – reports a note – it is important to be able to establish a respectful and balanced coexistence from the beginning, but how to do it best and without stress? First, define the boundaries: teach the child not to touch the dog and cat’s objects (toys, bowl, etc.) and to respect her spaces, for example by not disturbing him when he is sleeping or eating. Second, playing together: parents should increase positive interactions with the animal, such as cuddles, in the presence of the child (so that the pet can associate the child with pleasant situations for him) and, for the same reason, they should avoid to punish him in front of him.

How to behave instead when there are already dogs or cats in the family and the baby is the new arrival? The third piece of advice is dedicated to ‘new spaces’: to avoid excessive upheavals in the dog or cat’s routine once the baby arrives, before birth the owners should accustom the animal to the new lifestyle, for example sleeping in its own space and do not invade the child’s. Fourth, new objects, sounds and noises: accustoming the animal to new objects in the house (stroller, crib, toys, etc.) will relieve stress, as will using audio that reproduces sounds that the animal has never heard, but which will become familiar, like a baby’s cries. Fifth tip, keep your attention high: it is essential to always supervise interactions between animals and children. If it is not possible to supervise it is advisable to separate the pet from the child, associating the separation with something pleasant (toy, bone, biscuit).

“Children are the pet owners of the future and for this reason it is essential to educate them from the beginning to know and respect their four-legged friends. In this way, the relationship and bond between them can bring priceless mutual benefits – declares Valentina Piperno, Communication Manager Royal Canin – With this clear objective, we at Royal Canin are committed to educating the owners of today and tomorrow with various projects and initiatives, to ensure that the relationship with dogs and cats is always positive and valuable”.

2024-06-26 16:48:30
#Jannik #Sinner #Novak #Djokovic #unora #decisive #field #Wimbledon


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