Japanese Judo Team Send-Off Party Held Ahead of Paris Olympics

Newsfrom Japan

Sports 2024.06.05 20:35 / 2024.06.05 20:43 Updated

Judo players (from left) Abe Uta, Sone Hikaru, Abe Hifumi, Hashimoto Soichi, and Wolf Aaron pose for a commemorative photo at a send-off party in Tokyo on the 5th.

A send-off party for the Park24 judo athletes who have been selected to represent Japan at the Paris Olympics was held in Tokyo on the 5th.

Kyodo News Sports

2024-06-05 15:19:54
#Abe #siblings #aim #consecutive #Olympic #judo #victory #Park #holds #sendoff #party #athletes #Nippon.com


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