Jewish Missionary Prepares for Historic Days with National Campus of Cadets in Posadas

The Jewish missionary prepares to live historic days. And the final stretch has already begun on the way to realizing the National Campus of cadets, which will take place in Posadas and will have the luxury presence of the Olympic medalist Paula “Peque” Paretocoach of theArgentine National Team of the category.

The start of the concentration is scheduled for Thursday, June 20, in the Sports gym ofCombat of the Provincial High Performance Sports Center (CePARD)with the participation of 60 judokas from all over the country who make up the Argentine team and will seek their place in the next international commitments of the category.

“That Paula Pareto comes to Misiones is something historic, a relevant fact for Jewish missionaries. Having an Olympic gold medal in our province is not common and fills us with pride. We know that it is not a coincidence, but the result of the work that all the judokas of the red land do”the president of the Missionary Judo Federation (FMJ), Javier Galeano, summarized to EL DEPORTIVO.

Another of the most relevant news is that for the campus – which has the support of the provincial Ministry of Sports and the Argentine Judo Confederation (CAJ) – four missionaries have been summoned so far. These are Brian Zevallos, Andrea Colque and Constanza Núñez, as well as Thiago Carvallo, who is federated in Córdoba.

“Constanza won the last National in Senior; Andrea is 15 years old, she is just entering the Cadets and, like Brian, she has just finished on the podium at the National in Córdoba, which gave them both a place on this campus,” Galeano stressed.

The leader pointed out that the arrival of Pareto for the cadet campus also marks the project of missionary judo at the national level, which is betting on the seedbed and new projections, such as the case of Constanza Núñez, who this year even participated in the Pan American Games in Rio de Janeiro. Janeiro, marking a milestone for the provincial discipline.

“When we see this campus and the arrival of Pareto, we also understand that it is part of the commitment to grow our seedbed. After a follow-up that we carried out with the Ministry of Sports, we noticed possibilities in the boys who participated in the Evita Games years ago, so we opened the doors so that they can now be part of the Argentine National Team and can train at the highest level.”explained Galeano, who assured that “one of the objectives is to continue promoting athletes of this level.”

Finally, the FMJ president thanked the local and national authorities for their support in making this campus a reality. “We must emphasize that for these types of concentrations to take place here, we have to have the necessary infrastructure. And today we have the CePARD, the ‘Finito’ Gehrmann, where the boys are going to stay… It is part of an articulated work between the Ministry of Sports, the Ministry of Tourism, the Municipality of Posadas, the Federation, the Confederation, the Secretariat of Sports at the national level and the National High Performance Sports Entity (ENARD). “This is just a first step for Misiones to once again be the epicenter of Argentine judo,” he concluded.

Source: First Edition

2024-06-12 13:17:44
#missionary #tatami #counts #hours #National #Campus #Peque #Pareto #MisionesOpina


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