Job Opportunity at Dojo de Xertigny: Teaching Children and Adults Karate

Job details

You will work at the Dojo de Xertigny with children and adults: 6-10 years old / 11 years old and over.

Class times: Friday 6 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.

Opening hours depending on the number of members.

Position starts September 6, 2024.

The profile sought

Experience: Beginner accepted

Skills: Adapt a course or an educational sequence according to the level and progress of the learners, Evaluate the starting level of the practitioner, Present the exercise to practitioners and provide technical support, Monitor equipment or sports equipment

Qualification: Qualified employee

Sector of activity: Management of performance halls

2024-06-27 23:22:59
#Job #Offer #Fixedterm #Contract #Judo #Instructor #Xertigny #Recruitment #Mjc #Xertigny


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