Jonas Vingegaard and Wout Van Aert will ride the Tour de France | Cycling | Sports

Jonas Vingegaard and Wout Van Aert will compete in the Tour de France. The two Visma-Lease a Bike cyclists will ride the French round after recovering from their injuries. The Danish Vingegaard fell on a fateful curve in Itzulia and was hospitalized for 12 days in Vitoria, including the ICU, after breaking his collarbone and suffering a lung injury – contusion and pneumothorax caused by several broken ribs – in April. His Belgian teammate Van Aert also broke his collarbone and several ribs in Across Flanders in March.

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Vingegaard, two-time winner of the Tour, will be able to defend his title won last year and he will do so with one of the best cyclists in the peloton by his side, Van Aert. “I am very happy to start the Tour. The last few months have not been easy, but I thank my family and the Team Visma-Lease a Bike team for their unconditional support,” said the Dane.

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2024-06-20 11:50:25
#Jonas #Vingegaard #Wout #Van #Aert #ride #Tour #France #Cycling #Sports


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