Juan Lebron is insatiable: first he was Paquito and now he will be Di Nenno – Sergio Valentín

Juan Lebron and Paquito Navarro They will no longer play together. They have lasted three months together. Three! The project was exciting as it is with everything vintage and it was no wonder. Paquito and Lebron were the couple in 2019. The couple. They filled the stadiums when paddle tennis was not what it is today. They were the hottest rock and roll band. They said everything, they were pure adrenaline and without that flame they were nothing. Without that fire they would not have become number 1 in the world. How could it not be cool to see them together again? I wanted it, but it was like watching an old movie that has aged poorly. Paquito and Lebron united for what they were and not for what they are right now. That has been the problem. The Wolf is no longer a puppy who begins to taste blood. He has grown, he has won many titles, he has been number 1 for four years, now he is an adult and insatiable animal. He does not accept adaptation times, he does not take well not winning tournaments and that, with his indomitable and perennial character, cannot be tolerated even by the most mature Paquito, as he has been.

They haven’t played together for three months, they have endured each other for three months. Like when you have a partner and you try to move forward even though you know it’s not for you. They haven’t enjoyed it at any time. Maybe a bit in Seville, land of both, but they have been more protagonists for their gestures, their faces, their anger, than for their results. The more excitement, the greater the disappointment. Well, that’s it. Like the old movie that you don’t like anymore. Shame. The blame will be on both of them, but I give more percentage to Juan Lebrón and his fixation/obsession to be number 1 again. He wants to be today. Not tomorrow or the day after. Today. And he will take Paquito, Martin Dinenno and whoever else with him, but, and here lies the problem, Lebrón will not stop to think if the problem is exclusively with his partner.

From the author

The first thing Juan Lebron should do is recover, because he is not there. He plays in tournaments, he has his moments, but the essence of The Wolf is evaporating. Maybe it’s something he can’t do because of his personality. Because of his way of being, I think he’ll need a partner with whom he connects and wins from day one. Otherwise it will be unviable. At this point I don’t see him having patience and assuming that you can’t always be number one in the world or fighting for it. That’s why it was a surprise that Martin Di Nenno wants to play with Lebron. It’s strange. Stupa and he are like brothers and they fought until the last tournament of last season to be number 1. What, this year they’re not having the same results? Obviously. A new couple has emerged, as is Chinaand paddle tennis is also this, it is finding the key again, reinventing itself.

Will they work? Time will tell. First of all, there are aspects to be optimistic about and many to be pessimistic about. Chingotto and Galán and Tapia and Coello are two established couples. Getting a hold of them is not going to be easy and El Lobo does not accept being third. Will Martin be able to handle that? He is going to be under a lot of pressure and he has to prepare himself. It already happened to him with Paquito when he decided to leave him even though he was achieving good results. And then there is the fact that Lebrón is switching to the backhand after four years playing on the right. Since his elbow injury, Juan does not have the same punch. He has not lost it, he is not a player without finishing, but he is not today a Galán or a Tapia and in modern padel, and even more so playing on the left, it is essential to have a fearsome punch. Lebrón reinvented himself as a ten with Galán playing on the right and that is why he believed that if there was a change, he would join Stupaczuk and not Martin. And although I have been critical of Juan Lebron, deep down I have always thought that he is the most talented player on the circuit. He just needs to reset his mind, which is no small thing. He works very hard, sometimes too much from what I have been told, but Maybe I should cut out the weights and give them to a sports psychologist. It is impossible for a project to work with the tension that Paquito and Lebron have had these 3 months. It is impossible for grass to grow in extreme cold or heat.


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2024-06-28 10:17:19
#Juan #Lebron #insatiable #Paquito #Nenno #Sergio #Valentín


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