Juan Ramón de la Fuente, next head of the SRE, attends the US Independence celebration – El Sol de México

Juan Ramón de la Fuente, who was appointed by Claudia Sheinbaum as the next Secretary of Foreign Affairs (SRE), attended this Thursday the early celebration for the United States Independence Day, led by Ambassador Ken Salazar.

The next chancellor congratulated the American diplomat, to whom he sent a message from the virtual president-elect and wished for greater joint work for the good of both countries.

I hope that this bilateral relationship will be strengthened and continue to grow in the coming years for the good of our people.Juan Ramón de la Fuente.

At the celebration held at the official residence, the diplomat was accompanied by members of the current cabinet of President López Obrador, such as the head of SAGARPA, Víctor Villalobos, and representing the next president, Dr. De la Fuente.

I reaffirm my willingness to deepen relations with Mexico: Ken Salazar

During his speech, the U.S. ambassador congratulated the people of Mexico for the electoral process of June 2 and recognized those who have so far been appointed as part of the cabinet with which Claudia Sheinbaum will govern starting October 1.

“We celebrate with the people of Mexico their recent democratic process, in which Mexico made history by electing the first female president in North America. “I recognize those she has decided to appoint to her new cabinet and reaffirm our willingness to continue strengthening and deepening our relationship,” she said.

Mexico and the US are the largest trading partners in history: Ken Salazar

He highlighted that both governments, that of Joe Biden and Andrés Manuel Lopez Obrador, have transformed the bilateral relationship, cooperating together as partners through permanent dialogue and with respect for the two sovereignties. “This historic cooperation has led us to be the main trading partners today and throughout the history of humanity,” he added.

He also highlighted that through cooperation, they have led North America into the future with clean energy, nearshoring, semiconductors, and electric vehicles. “We are aligned to build a modern, safe, and efficient border. We protect labor rights through the USMCA,” said Salazar.

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The diplomat assured that the two countries cooperate to stop the trafficking of fentanyl, weapons and people with the aim of protecting the security and well-being of the two nations. “Historic extraditions and seizures of synthetic drugs and weapons are part of the results for our nations. We recognize the rule of law to protect people and hold criminals accountable,” he added.

2024-06-28 04:52:38
#Juan #Ramón #Fuente #SRE #attends #Independence #celebration #Sol #México


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