Judo Fighter Klara Erten from Soest Competes for European Medal at U18 Championships in Bulgaria

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    Klara Erten came second at the German U18 Championships in Leipzig. © club

    Klara Erten from Soest will be competing in the U18 European Championships on Friday. The judo fighter has a clear goal: a medal.

    Sofia – Judoka Klara Erten from Soest will be fighting for European medals in Bulgaria on Friday. For Erten, who competes for SU Annen, the competition in Sofia is already her second start at a U18 European Championship.

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    Last year she managed to finish fifth in the 48-kilogram class, narrowly missing out on bronze. This time she has moved up a weight class and is now competing in the 52-kilogram class. “It will be more challenging,” says Erten, but she has a clear goal: “I want to win a medal.”

    Judoka Klara Erten competes at the U18 European Championships. © Agency

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    This self-confidence is no coincidence. Since moving to the higher weight class at the end of last year, she has done well there: “I have proven that I can beat anyone,” says Erten. She does not see a particular challenger, but rather none of the competitors should be underestimated: “It is difficult to say who the biggest competitor is, the air is just very thin at the top.” No fight is easy. On Wednesday she took the plane to Bulgaria, and on Friday she will be on the mat.

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    On Sunday, there are still mixed competitions, in which she cannot take part because she has changed classes. At least not on the mat: “As a spectator, I will of course cheer the team on.”

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    2024-06-27 07:19:25
    #Klara #Erten #win #medal #European #Judo #Championships


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