Judo Showcase at Arrieta Gymnasium Celebrates Olympism and Sporting Achievements

The Arrieta gymnasium hosted a morning dedicated to judo, where judokas from babies to seniors presented their skills. The show, interspersed with humorous sketches, was on the theme of Olympism.

Lyana Milhes, Occitanie champion in the junior category and Leana Ichon, 7th in the French championship in the junior category, were particularly honored for their sporting results.

Parents and children enjoyed this three-hour show, highlighting the values ​​of judo and the Olympic spirit which are: respect, honor, courage and conviviality. An enriching experience for all participants and a moment of shared happiness for the spectators.

The morning took place in the presence of Céline Freixinos, assistant to associations, who greeted Professor Nicolas Laplanche and the volunteers of the association for their commitment and ended with a word from Mayor François Rallo. Appointment is already made for next year with the hope of reliving such memorable moments.

2024-06-27 21:41:55
#sporty #festive #morning #Olympic #Judo


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